[pymvpa] SVD did not converge

andrea bertana andrea.bertana1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 15:44:55 UTC 2014

Dear PyMVPA experts,

I'm trying to use Hyperalignment() procedure to align different subjects'

I am mainly referring to the example described in this webpage -

However, when I try to compute the common space on the training set (10
participant, single - participant matrix: 301 time-point x 1000 voxels ) I
get the following message:

LinAlgError, 'SVD did not converge'

To the best of my knowledge, singular value decomposition could fail for
several reasons, here is what I checked:


   Matrices have no Nan's.

   Standard deviation for each voxel over time is > 0, meaning that there
   are no zero or constant voxels.

   By aligning each pair of participants independently, I couldn't find any
   specifically 'compromised' participant, as far as no clear pattern emerged
   (depending on the pairs the SVD could-couldn't converge).

Further informations:


   Data come from Human Connectome Project (HCP)- Working memory task
   - We tried also with another task (motor) that comes from HCP using the
   same subjects but we get a same error

   The ds_all container with participants' information (samples and

   Please, find below the code I am using for this task.

import numpy as np

from mvpa2.suite import *

import pickle as pk

import sys

#Insert all the part of loading ds_all


ds_all = pk.load(open(path))


## use same linear support vector machine

clf = LinearCSVMC()


verbose(2, "between-subject (hyperaligned)...", cr=False, lf=False)

hyper_start_time = time.time()

bsc_hyper_results = []

#cross-validation over subjects

cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner(attr='subject'),



    # - Leave-one-run-out for hyperalignment training

nruns = 1,2

for test_run in nruns:

   #Split in training and testing set:

   # For leave one run out, use this:

   ds_train = [sd[sd.sa.chunks != test_run,:] for sd in ds_all]

   ds_test = [sd[sd.sa.chunks == test_run,:] for sd in ds_all]

   #Defining hyper-function and computing hyperalignment parameters.

   hyper = Hyperalignment()

   hypmaps = hyper(ds_train)

   #Applying hyperalignment parameters on the test set (the run left out)

   ds_hyper = [ hypmaps[i].forward(sd) for i, sd in enumerate(ds_test)]

   # zscore each subject individually after transformation for optimal

   zscore(ds_hyper, chunks_attr='subject')

   #Encoding by simple avaraging each block after all subjects data are in
common space.

   averager = mean_group_sample(['targets', 'block', 'chunks'])

   ds_hyper_encoded = [sd.get_mapped(averager) for sd in ds_hyper]

   ds_hyper = vstack(ds_hyper_encoded)

   #Store results of classification for different partitions.

   res_cv = cv(ds_hyper)

   #Append results on a list (each element comes from one run)


    #Final results

bsc_hyper_results = hstack(bsc_hyper_results)

#Showing final results.

verbose(2, "done in %.1f seconds" , (time.time() - hyper_start_time,))

verbose(2, "between-subject (hyperaligned): %.2f +/-%.3f" \

    , (np.mean(bsc_hyper_results),

      np.std(np.mean(bsc_hyper_results, axis=1)) / np.sqrt(nsubjs - 1)))

Thank you.

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