[pymvpa] optimal way of loading the whole-brain data

Dmitry Smirnov dmi.smirnov07 at gmail.com
Tue May 6 11:19:57 UTC 2014

Dear all,

I was wondering, what would be the most optimal solution for loading
massive data in PyMVPA.
Here is my case:

import time
import nibabel as nib
from mvpa2.suite import *

runs = 5

# Trim a number of slices in the end of the file
def trimImage(filename,cutoff):
    tmp = nib.load(filename)
    return nib.Nifti1Image(tmp.get_data()[:,:,:,0:cutoff],tmp.get_affine())

# Size of the files I'm working with
datatemp = nib.load(filename)
# (91, 109, 91, 350)

# Start timer
start = time.time()
# Load each of the 5 runs into the dataset
fds = fmri_dataset(samples=[trimImage(('run%i/epi.nii' % (r+1)),346) for r
in range(runs)],
# End timer
end = time.time()
print end - start
# 14704.9735432 : ~4 hours! Why?

If I want to load a dataset containing all my data at once, and I am not
constrained by RAM, what would be the best way to do so?

Thank you in advance!
BR, Dima


Dmitry Smirnov (MSc.)
PhD Candidate, Brain & Mind Laboratory <http://becs.aalto.fi/bml/>
BECS, Aalto University School of Science
mobile: +358 50 3015072
email: dmitry.smirnov at aalto.fi
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