[pymvpa] Searchlights and Permutation testing
Christopher J Markiewicz
effigies at bu.edu
Wed Jun 17 14:11:15 UTC 2015
On 06/17/2015 10:00 AM, Bill Broderick wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Christopher J Markiewicz
> <effigies at bu.edu> wrote:
>> On 06/16/2015 05:32 PM, Bill Broderick wrote:
>>> Hi Christopher,
>>> I think your method works, if I do the following
>>> res=[]
>>> gnb=GNB()
>>> nf=NFoldPartitioner()
>>> permutator=AttributePermutator('targets',number_of_permutations)
>>> sl_gnb=sphere_gnbsearchlight(gnb,nf,reuse_neighbors=True,radius=3)
>>> for i in permutator.generate(ds):
>>> res.append(sl_gnb(ds))
>> I think this should be res.append(sl_gnb(i))?
> Yes, my bad. That was a typo. It's res.append(sl_gnb(i))
>>> And then I combine all the resulting results in res. I couldn't make it
>>> work with a ChainNode containing a permutator and the sl_gnb; it would
>>> only run once, so I had to use the permutator explicitly as a generator.
>> Fair enough. I think there should be a way to chain together Measures,
>> even if ChainNode isn't it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.
> Poking around in the documentation, I've also found CombinedNode and
> ChainLearner, neither of which seem to work either. I'll stick with
> the explicit generation for now, but if anyone knows how to chain them
> together, I'd really appreciate it!
>>> If I do things this way, there's no way to just permute the labels
>>> within the training data, right? Isn't it better to do that?
>> I'm not sure what you're asking. permutator.generate(ds) should be
>> permuting the labels of both training and testing data prior to exposing
>> them to sl_gnb.
> Yup, that's what it's doing, but isn't that bad? According to the
> permutation testing tutorial
> http://www.pymvpa.org/tutorial_significance.html#avoiding-the-trap-or-advanced-magic-101,
> don't I want to permute *just* the training labels and then test on
> unpermuted labels?
Hmm. Possibly. I'll need to read more, and potentially add notes in our
>>> I also don't understand, if the gnbsearchlight is not seeing the
>>> permutator, how its implementation is saving time. It has to do that
>>> pre-calculation on each permuted dataset, right? Does it just take that
>>> much less time to run a gnbsearchlight through the brain on each dataset?
>> Yes, I believe that's correct. It is not saving time by preserving
>> computations across permutations, but within each searchlight analysis
>> it is faster than other types of searchlight.
>>> I had also gotten permutation testing working with a linear SVM, using
>>> the following:
>>> repeater = Repeater(count=number_of_permutations)
>>> permutator =
>>> AttributePermutator('targets',limit={'partitions':1},count=1)
>>> nf = NFoldPartitioner()
>>> clf = LinearCSVMC()
>>> null_cv =
>>> CrossValidation(clf,ChainNode([nf,permutator],space=nf.get_space()))
>>> distr_est =
>>> MCNullDist(repeater,tail='left',measure=null_cv,enable_ca=['dist_samples'])
>>> cv = CrossValidation(clf,nf,null_dist=distr_est)
>>> sl =
>>> sphere_searchlight(cv,radius=3,center_ids=range(0,10),enable_ca='roi_sizes',pass_attr=[('ca.roi_sizes','fa')])
>>> res = sl(ds)
>>> Is there anything wrong with doing it this way? Other than it just
>>> taking a very long time.
>> That looks reasonable to me, but I defer to anybody who might gainsay
>> me. I did permutation testing by saving a new result file for every
>> permutation, so I have no experience with MCNullDist and the like.
> Okay, excellent. I think I'll play around with this first to get a
> sense for how long it takes, since I'd prefer to use the Linear SVM.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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Christopher J Markiewicz
Ph.D. Candidate, Quantitative Neuroscience Laboratory
Boston University
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