[pymvpa] hyperalignment inquiry

Swaroop Guntupalli swaroopgj at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 15:09:22 UTC 2016

Hi David,
You need to change this line
to this

Intersection mask might work. I usually do it by computing a binary mask in
each subject with non-invariant features (use std(axis=0)==0) and then do
an "and" of these masks.

Does that help?

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:50 AM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks very much Swaroop,  the code still gives an error, please see below
> -also final comment at the bottom of the email
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-52-8bb0dc44f9a7> in <module>()     63     # Searchlight Hyperalignment returns a list of mappers corresponding to     64     # subjects in the same order as the list of datasets we passed in.---> 65     slhypmaps = slhyper(ds_train)     66      67     # Applying hyperalignment parameters is similar to applying any mapper in
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/algorithms/searchlight_hyperalignment.pyc in __call__(self, datasets)    554         # alignment, i.e. the SL ROIs cover roughly the same area    555         queryengines = self._get_trained_queryengines(--> 556             datasets, params.queryengine, params.radius, params.ref_ds)    557         # For surface nodes to voxels queryengines, roi_seed hardly makes sense    558         if isinstance(queryengines[params.ref_ds], SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine):
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/algorithms/searchlight_hyperalignment.pyc in _get_trained_queryengines(self, datasets, queryengine, radius, ref_ds)    666                 _shpaldebug("Training provided query engines")    667                 for qe, ds in zip(queryengines, datasets):--> 668                     qe.train(ds)    669             else:    670                 queryengine.train(datasets[ref_ds])
> AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'train'
> _____
> %reset
> from mvpa2.suite import *
> path0='/Users/dsoto/Dropbox/4hyperal'
> attr = SampleAttributes(os.path.join(path0, 'attrs_cv_singlsubj2chunk.txt'
> ))
> d=[]
> qe=[]
> num=-1
> for subj in range(1,5):
>     num=num+1
>     print(subj)
>     datapath='/Users/dsoto/Dropbox/4hyperal/subj%d' %(int(subj))
>     d.append(fmri_dataset(samples=os.path.join(datapath,
> 'reg4mm.nii.gz'),
>                       targets=attr.targets, chunks=attr.chunks,
>                       mask=os.path.join(path0, 'mni4mm.nii.gz')))
>     d[num]=remove_invariant_features(d[num])
>     testqe=IndexQueryEngine(voxel_indices=Sphere(3))
>     testqe.train(d[num])
>     qe.append(testqe.query_byid)
> qe_merged = [qe[0],qe[1],qe[2],qe[3]]
> ds_merged = [d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3]]
>  _ = [zscore(ds) for ds in ds_merged]
>  for i, sd in enumerate(ds_merged):
>     sd.sa['subject'] = np.repeat(i, len(sd))
> nsubjs = 4
>  ncats = 2
> nruns = 2
> bsc_slhyper_results = []
> clf = LinearCSVMC()
> cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner(attr='subject'),
>                      errorfx=mean_match_accuracy)
> for test_run in range(nruns):
>     ds_train = [sd[sd.sa.chunks != test_run, :] for sd in ds_merged]
>     ds_test = [sd[sd.sa.chunks == test_run, :] for sd in ds_merged]
>     slhyper = SearchlightHyperalignment(queryengine=qe_merged)
>     slhypmaps = slhyper(ds_train)
>     ds_hyper = [h.forward(sd) for h, sd in zip(slhypmaps, ds_test)]
>     ds_hyper = vstack(ds_hyper)
>     zscore(ds_hyper, chunks_attr='subject')
>     res_cv = cv(ds_hyper)
>     bsc_slhyper_results.append(res_cv)
> bsc_slhyper_results = hstack(bsc_slhyper_results)
> However, as you know it is likely that searchlighhyperaligment wont work
> well if each dataset has different number of features....so perhaps would
> be worth to compare any result with  the second analyses option you
> suggested, that is once I  remove invariant features from each subjects
> dataset, I could derive an intersection mask with valid features across all
> subjects and then use this mask when I load the data with
> fmri_dataset......however could you let me know how can this  intersection
> mask be derived?
> best
> david
> [image: ][image: ][image: ]
> ___________
> On 3 August 2016 at 18:33, Swaroop Guntupalli <swaroopgj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> You have to train the queryengine, here is a little modified version of
>> what you pasted.
>> However, remember that the datasets should be approximately similar in
>> coverage. I noticed that your first subject has ~80,000 non-invariant
>> features and some other subjects have ~30,000. That's a huge margin.
>> I am not sure how hyperalignment performs with so many missing regions.
>> Swaroop
>>  d[num]=remove_invariant_features(d[num])
>>      # You don't need this line below
>>     #voxel_indices=d[num].fa.voxel_indices
>>     testqe=IndexQueryEngine(voxel_indices=Sphere(3))
>>     # Train the testqe with that dataset
>>     testqe.train(d[num])
>>     qe.append(testqe.query_byid)
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:30 AM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Swaroop, thanks for looking into it...
>>> There does not seem be a clear documentation on how to get the query
>>> engines ..from what I have seen this is what I did:
>>> d=[]
>>> qe=[]
>>> num=-1
>>> for subj in range(1,5):
>>>     num=num+1
>>>     print(subj)
>>>     datapath='/Users/dsoto/Dropbox/4hyperal/subj%d' %(int(subj))
>>>     d.append(fmri_dataset(samples=os.path.join(datapath,
>>>  'reg4mm.nii.gz'),
>>>                       targets=attr.targets, chunks=attr.chunks,
>>>                       mask=os.path.join(path0, 'mni4mm.nii.gz')))
>>>     d[num]=remove_invariant_features(d[num])
>>>     voxel_indices=d[num].fa.voxel_indices
>>>     testqe=IndexQueryEngine(voxel_indices=Sphere(3))
>>>     qe.append(testqe.query_byid)
>>> qe_merged = [qe[0],qe[1],qe[2],qe[3]]
>>> ds_merged = [d[0],d[1],d[2],d[3]]
>>> which I then was hoping to pass later onto
>>>     slhyper = SearchlightHyperalignment(queryengine=qe_merged)
>>> however there does not appear to be an output for each of the 'qe'
>>> above, even though I can see the voxel_ids...
>>> any tips would be very useful!
>>> thanks!
>>> [image: ][image: ][image: ]
>>> -------------------
>>> On 1 August 2016 at 19:02, Swaroop Guntupalli <swaroopgj at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> Thanks for the data. The issue is that when using searchlight
>>>> hyperalignment without supplying queryengines but providing radius (as in
>>>> your case), we compute a single spherical volume queryengine on the
>>>> reference subject, which means all the datasets need to be aligned and have
>>>> exact same number of features. The issue in your script is that you remove
>>>> invariance features separately for each subject, which results in different
>>>>  numbers of features for each subject.
>>>> There are two ways to resolve it:
>>>> 1) after removing invariant features, supply list of spherical volume
>>>> queryengines corresponding to subjects, or
>>>> 2) find the union of invariant features in all subjects, and then
>>>> remove the same set of features from all subjects, and proceed with
>>>> hyperalignment as you have currently.
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Swaroop
>>>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 6:30 AM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Swaroop, I have run the analyses using the individual copes that
>>>>> were co-registered in FSL to the individual T1 (using BBR) and then to
>>>>> MNI2mm template using a 12 DOF.  The problem persists even after doing
>>>>> remove_invariant_features().
>>>>> I get a similar  'Indexerror: index 226822 is out of bounds for axis 1
>>>>> with size 198603'
>>>>> I have uploaded all the datafiles which you can find in the link
>>>>> below, just in case you could have a look. If you open the zip then you
>>>>> will find all the relevant files, including the pymvpa script that I use to
>>>>> run the analyses ('hyperalscript.py'), the individual data within a folder
>>>>> and also the attributes file and the MNI brain mask
>>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7-qbWx3g9KfUU1jOFVpQ05oRWM
>>>>> any help would be much appreciated...
>>>>> thanks!
>>>>> david
>>>>> On 29 July 2016 at 18:28, Swaroop Guntupalli <swaroopgj at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That is correct. But the searchlight centers across subjects are
>>>>>> assumed to be aligned.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 8:24 AM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> ​Hi, thanks I will try that,  I understand therefore that the number
>>>>>>> of features per subject need not be equal across subjects for searchlight
>>>>>>> hyperalignment - but please correct me if am wrong.
>>>>>>> best
>>>>>>> david
>>>>>>> On 29 July 2016 at 16:17, Swaroop Guntupalli <swaroopgj at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>> If you are using searchlight hyperalignment, it is advisable to
>>>>>>>> align the data across subjects using anatomy first. Simplest would be to be
>>>>>>>> align them to an MNI template and then run the searchlight hyperalignment.
>>>>>>>> Our tutorial dataset is affine aligned to MNI template.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Swaroop
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:51 AM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Swaroop, I managed to get the dataset in the right format
>>>>>>>>> as per the hyperaligmentsearchlight tutorial
>>>>>>>>> however when I run the hyperaligment I get the following error (IndexError:
>>>>>>>>> index 46268 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 43506, see
>>>>>>>>> further below)...to recap the dataset is a concatenation of each subject
>>>>>>>>> data, each in individual native space, so number of features are different
>>>>>>>>> across subjects...
>>>>>>>>> The code I use is the same as in the tutorial, namely, any
>>>>>>>>> feedback would be great, thanks, david
>>>>>>>>> cv = CrossValidation(clf, NFoldPartitioner(attr='subject'),
>>>>>>>>>                      errorfx=mean_match_accuracy)
>>>>>>>>> for test_run in range(nruns):
>>>>>>>>>     ds_train = [sd[sd.sa.chunks != test_run, :] for sd in ds_all]
>>>>>>>>>     ds_test = [sd[sd.sa.chunks == test_run, :] for sd in ds_all]
>>>>>>>>>     slhyper = SearchlightHyperalignment(radius=3, featsel=0.4,
>>>>>>>>> sparse_radius=3)
>>>>>>>>>     slhypmaps = slhyper(ds_train)
>>>>>>>>>     ds_hyper = [h.forward(sd) for h, sd in zip(slhypmaps, ds_test)]
>>>>>>>>>     ds_hyper = vstack(ds_hyper)
>>>>>>>>>     zscore(ds_hyper, chunks_attr='subject')
>>>>>>>>>     res_cv = cv(ds_hyper)
>>>>>>>>>     bsc_slhyper_results.append(res_cv)
>>>>>>>>> OUTPUT MESSAGE.........
>>>>>>>>> Performing classification analyses...
>>>>>>>>>   between-subject (searchlight hyperaligned)...
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> ---------------
>>>>>>>>> IndexError                                Traceback (most recent
>>>>>>>>> call last)
>>>>>>>>> <ipython-input-191-85bdb873d4f1> in <module>()
>>>>>>>>>      24     # Searchlight Hyperalignment returns a list of mappers
>>>>>>>>> corresponding to
>>>>>>>>>      25     # subjects in the same order as the list of datasets
>>>>>>>>> we passed in.
>>>>>>>>> ---> 26     slhypmaps = slhyper(ds_train)
>>>>>>>>>      27
>>>>>>>>>      28     # Applying hyperalignment parameters is similar to
>>>>>>>>> applying any mapper in
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/algorithms/searchlight_hyperalignment.pyc
>>>>>>>>> in __call__(self, datasets)
>>>>>>>>>     626             node_blocks = np.array_split(roi_ids,
>>>>>>>>> params.nblocks)
>>>>>>>>>     627             p_results = [self._proc_block(block, datasets,
>>>>>>>>> hmeasure, queryengines)
>>>>>>>>> --> 628                          for block in node_blocks]
>>>>>>>>>     629         results_ds = self.__handle_all_results(p_results)
>>>>>>>>>     630         # Dummy iterator for, you know, iteration
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/algorithms/searchlight_hyperalignment.pyc
>>>>>>>>> in _proc_block(self, block, datasets, featselhyper, queryengines, seed,
>>>>>>>>> iblock)
>>>>>>>>>     387                 continue
>>>>>>>>>     388             # selecting neighborhood for all subject for
>>>>>>>>> hyperalignment
>>>>>>>>> --> 389             ds_temp = [sd[:, ids] for sd, ids in
>>>>>>>>> zip(datasets, roi_feature_ids_all)]
>>>>>>>>>     390             if self.force_roi_seed:
>>>>>>>>>     391                 roi_seed = np.array(roi_feature_ids_all[self.params.ref_ds])
>>>>>>>>> == node_id
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/datasets/base.pyc in
>>>>>>>>> __getitem__(self, args)
>>>>>>>>>     139
>>>>>>>>>     140         # let the base do the work
>>>>>>>>> --> 141         ds = super(Dataset, self).__getitem__(args)
>>>>>>>>>     142
>>>>>>>>>     143         # and adjusting the mapper (if any)
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/base/dataset.pyc in
>>>>>>>>> __getitem__(self, args)
>>>>>>>>>     445         if isinstance(self.samples, np.ndarray):
>>>>>>>>>     446             if np.any([isinstance(a, slice) for a in
>>>>>>>>> args]):
>>>>>>>>> --> 447                 samples = self.samples[args[0], args[1]]
>>>>>>>>>     448             else:
>>>>>>>>>     449                 # works even with bool masks (although
>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>> IndexError: index 46268 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 43506
>>>>>>>>> On 28 July 2016 at 00:25, Swaroop Guntupalli <swaroopgj at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>> If you have limited data, you can use a part of it (however you
>>>>>>>>>> split the data for training and testing)
>>>>>>>>>> to train hyperalignment, and also use the same part to train the
>>>>>>>>>> classifier and then apply hyperalignment and test classifier on the
>>>>>>>>>> left-out part. Yes, you can artificially create 2 chunks (or more if you
>>>>>>>>>> prefer).
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 3:17 PM, David Soto <d.soto.b at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> sounds great thanks, a further thing is that I have seen that in
>>>>>>>>>>> order to preclude  circularity issues, hyperalinment is implemented on a
>>>>>>>>>>> subset of training chunks and then the transformation is applied to the
>>>>>>>>>>> full datasets prior to classification analyses.  Given that I have no
>>>>>>>>>>> proper chunks/runs here, but only 56 betas across trials, would it be okay
>>>>>>>>>>> to train hyperaligment just on half of the 56 betas, eg artificially split
>>>>>>>>>>> the data set in 2 chunks  each containing 14 betas of class A and 14 of
>>>>>>>>>>> class B? Or would it be just OK to train hyperaligment on the 56 betas in
>>>>>>>>>>> the first instance?
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> david
>>>>>>>>>>> On 28 July 2016 at 00:00, Swaroop Guntupalli <
>>>>>>>>>>> swaroopgj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The hyperalignment example on PyMVPA uses one beta map for each
>>>>>>>>>>>> category per run.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Swaroop Guntupalli <
>>>>>>>>>>>> swaroopgj at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Beta maps should work fine for hyperalignment. The more maps
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (or TRs) there are, better the estimate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We used within-subject hyperalignment in Haxby et al. 2011,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which uses maps from 6 categories (we used 3 successive betas per condition
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vstack() merges multiple datasets into a single dataset, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if there is any voxel count (nfeatures) mismatch across subjects, it won't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> work (as evidenced by the error).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hyperalignment takes in a list of datasets, one per each
>>>>>>>>>>>>> subject.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, you can make that a list as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ds_all =[ds1, ds2, ...., ds16]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and use for Hyperalignment()
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Swaroop
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:28 PM, David Soto <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> d.soto.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in my experiment I have 28 betas in condition A and 28
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter estimate images and 28  in condition B for each subject (N=16 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> total).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i have performed across-subjects SVM-based searchlight
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classification using MNI-registered individual beta images and I would like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to repeat and confirm my results using searchlight based on hyperaligned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i am not aware of any paper using hyperaligment on  beta
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> images but I think this should be possible, any advise please would be nice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i've created individual datasets concatenating the 28 betas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in condition A and the 28 in condition (in the actual experiment condition
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A and B can appear randomly on each trial). I have 16 nifti datasets, one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> per subject, with each in individual native anatomical space. In trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get a dataset in the same format as in the hyperlignment tutorial I use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fmri_dataset on each individual wholebrain 48 betas  and then try to merged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then all i.e. ds_merged = vstack((d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15,d16)) but this gives the following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error pasted at the end,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which I think it is becos the number of voxels is different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> across subjects. This is one issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Another is that the function vstack does appear to produce
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the list of individual datasets that is in the hyperligment tutorial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dataset, but a list of individual betas, I would be grateful to receive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some tips.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> david
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ValueError                                Traceback (most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent call last)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <ipython-input-64-2fef46542bfc> in <module>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      19 h5save('/home/dsoto/dsoto/fmri/wmlearning/h5.hdf5',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [d1,d2])
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      20 #ds_merged = vstack((d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d7,d8,d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15, d16))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---> 21 ds_merged = vstack((d1, d2))
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mvpa2/base/dataset.pyc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in vstack(datasets, a)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     687                              "datasets have varying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     688     # will puke if not equal number of features
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> 689     stacked_samp = np.concatenate([ds.samples for ds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in datasets], axis=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     690
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     691     stacked_sa = {}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ValueError: all the input array dimensions except for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concatenation axis must match exactly
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