[pymvpa] Construct custom queryengine with dict

Swaroop Guntupalli swaroopgj at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 20:39:00 UTC 2017


I am trying to make a QueryEngine() with a custom dict which takes in some
id and returns neighborhood. So, far I have failed. I am pasting my attempt
below. Any help would be appreciated.


# custom dict that has feature ids as keys and neighborhood as values
testdict = {i: range(i) for i in range(10)}
qe = IndexQueryEngine(testid=testdict)

# fake dataset
fake_ds = Dataset(samples=np.random.rand(5, 10), fa={'testid': range(10)})

# training

# this works fine
print qe.ids

# this line below fails with  TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
# in line#572 in mvpa2/misc/neighborhood.py
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