[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#513208: Bug#513208: Bug#513208: fglrx-driver: low default resolution after updating from 8-10 to 8-12

Romain Beauxis toots at rastageeks.org
Wed Jan 28 00:14:56 UTC 2009

Le Tuesday 27 January 2009 18:55:14 Henning Glawe, vous avez écrit :
> and: I am pretty sure that before the update, the screen was running at
> its native resolution. is 1024x768 some default hardcoded in fglrx?

Much probably, yes. Even more, they don't seem to really test their releases.
In particular I remember a very broken release where all widescreen 
resolutions would be forced to 1024...


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