[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#533225: fglrx-glx-ia32: Needs new upload to be installable with new libc6-i386

Daniel Schepler dschepler at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 18:26:33 UTC 2009

Package: fglrx-glx-ia32
Version: 1:9-5-1
Severity: grave

In version 2.9-15 (and possibly 2.9-14), libc6-i386 conflicts with "fglrx-glx-
ia32 (<= 1:9-5-1)", probably because it moved /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib to 
/usr/lib32 for consistency with other architectures.  Since 1:9-5-1 is still 
the latest version in unstable (and I didn't see any new upload in incoming or 
NEW when I checked), that makes fglrx-glx-ia32 uninstallable in unstable.
Daniel Schepler

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