[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#571272: Bug#571272: Bug#571272: 2.6.33 support patch, missing

Hámorszky Balázs balihb at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 00:12:48 UTC 2010

m-a tries to build in the linux- directory cause my kernel is in 
the linux- directory.

here it is a sorter version of what was in my previous mail:
 > m-a -t a-i fglrx
this command extract /usr/src/fglrx.tar.bz2 which is installed by 
fglrx-source, than tries to build the module. the build fails.

 > cat /tmp/fglrx-2.6.33.patch | patch -p6
with this command I patch the fglrx module source. patching is 
successful so obviously the source isn't contains the fglrx-2.6.33 patch

 > m-a -O -t a-i fglrx
this command tries to build the module source without extracting again 
(so it is using the patched source). the build isn't fail this time.

I can see 05_fix_cmpxchg.diff, but while building the source I can't see 
any actual patching. My guess is that there isn't any (or I don't do the 
package building right).

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