[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Bug#624191: Bug#624191: Bug#624191: fglrx-driver: Some versions of fglrx have problems with hibernate/suspend

Michael Gilbert michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 17:39:00 UTC 2011

Oleg Broytman wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 01:44:23PM -0400, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> > Oleg Broytman wrote:
> > > On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 07:16:38PM +0200, Patrick Matth?i wrote:
> > > > Am 26.04.2011 11:27, schrieb Oleg Broytman:
> > > > > Severity: critical
> > > > > Justification: breaks the whole system
> > > > 
> > > > Sorry but those bugs are not RC.
> > > 
> > >    Is it because fglrx is non-free? Well, I will not insist on the
> > > severity.
> > 
> > No, because an issue in hibernation is a normal/average bug, not a
> > critical one.
>    I see. Sorry for my mistakes.
> > We don't support the upstream driver packages directly.  You should use
> > the packages for your release (or backports packages) if you want
> > support.
>    This is exactly the problem I tried to work around - I cannot install
> the upstream package (it doesn't support squeeze yet) and I cannot use
> the version from stable 'cause it has one of those broken (for me)
> versions - 10-9. What I was really asked if someone can debianize more
> recent version of upstream.

That someone could be you!

>    Now when I've been pointed there is 11-3 in testing I'm going to test
> it if I can install it unto stable.

Yes, and if you get it to compile/build there, you may want to provide
that as a squeeze backport for other users like yourself:

Best wishes,

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