[Pkg-fglrx-devel] ia32-libs going away

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sun Jun 17 08:34:10 UTC 2012

On 2012-06-16 23:25, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> The -ia32 packages would become empty transitional packages, possibly
> with some kind of NEWS file informing the user how to enable
> multiarch.

OK, that could work.
We could additionally display a debconf note in fglrx-glx-ia32, as NEWS
might be missed. As I'm currently adding debconf notes for informing the
user that he needs to (un-)configure xorg.conf manually, so adding them
now may be a good time.

Can you provide some text for fglrx-glx-ia32.{NEWS,templates} ?

The fglrx-glx-ia32 needs to be kept as it is needed for the diversion
cleanup code, eventually libfglrx-ia32 can be dropped entirely.

I'll look into making libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386 and libfglrx:i386 properly
Conflicts/Replaces/Provides the -ia32 counterparts.

How does the toolchain handle
  Recommends: foobar-i386 [amd64]
where foobar-i386 is a virtual package provided by foobar:i386?


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