[Pkg-fglrx-devel] Debian Sciencee Sprint

Vincent Danjean Vincent.Danjean at ens-lyon.org
Tue Jun 26 00:30:35 UTC 2012


Le 21/06/2012 22:07, Jerome Kieffer a écrit :
> Dear Participants,
> Here are the last informations for the sprint:

  As I said, I wont be there for the last sprint day.

  Here is a document that try to summarize the OpenCL situation in
Debian. Please, communicate it to the other sprint participant
working on OpenCL for comments. I will post-it later (with suggested
modifications) on d-d to get some more feedback.

  I added in CC the maintainer of AMD and NVidia OpenCL packages
in case they want to comment the document early.

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