[Pkg-fglrx-devel] sometihing about amd/ati driver.

庞庆源 pangqingyuan at smail.nju.edu.cn
Sat Sep 29 14:39:55 UTC 2012

Hello.I need some help.My computer display driver is ati hd4200,which is not supported at all by AMD/ATI.the newest fglrx-driver which suppports my hd4200 is 12.4,published in 2012/4/25.But it is so unhappy that I could not install it in debian wheezy.Because the installing script just supports debian lenny.So could you teach me how to install the fglrx driver in wheezy?Note that the version of fglrx driver in the non-free mirrors is 12.6,which never supports hd4XXX.How excellent it is if you could make a deb package for 12.4 version!
Thank you very much.

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