[Pkg-fglrx-devel] r1443 - fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po
Andreas Beckmann
anbe at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 21 12:42:05 UTC 2014
Author: anbe
Date: 2014-10-21 12:42:05 +0000 (Tue, 21 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 1443
bulk substitution: ${driver}
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/cs.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/cs.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/cs.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/da.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/da.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/da.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"De følgende grafikchipsæt i dit system er ikke længere understøttet af Fglrx-"
-"driveren (pakke fglrx-driver). Du kan beholde pakken installeret for "
+"driveren (pakke ${driver}). Du kan beholde pakken installeret for "
"eksempel for et andet grafikkort - men grafikkort med det følgende chipsæt "
"vil ikke kunne bruges."
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/de.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/de.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/de.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"Ihr System hat eine Grafikkarte, die nicht mehr vom Fglrx-Treiber (aus dem "
-"Paket fglrx-driver) bedient wird. Sie möchten das Paket vielleicht "
+"Paket ${driver}) bedient wird. Sie möchten das Paket vielleicht "
"installiert lassen - um beispielsweise eine andere Karte zu betreiben, aber "
"der folgende Chipsatz wird damit nicht nutzbar sein:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/es.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/es.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/es.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"Este sistema tiene una tarjeta gráfica que ya no puede administrar el "
-"controlador Fglrx (paquete «fglrx-driver»). Tal vez quiera mantener el "
+"controlador Fglrx (paquete «${driver}»). Tal vez quiera mantener el "
"paquete instalado (por ejemplo para controlar alguna otra tarjeta), pero no "
"podrá utilizarse para gestionar la tarjeta mostrada a continuación:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/fr.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/fr.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/fr.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/gl.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/gl.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/gl.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
#| "some other card), but the above card won't be usable."
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@
"from xorg.conf (and xorg.conf.d/)."
msgstr ""
"Antes de que o controlador «${free_name}» poida usarse debe eliminar a "
-"configuración de «fglrx» do ficheiro «xorg.conf» (e «xorg.conf.d/») e purgar "
-"(non chega con eliminar) o paquete «fglrx-driver»."
+"configuración de «fglrx» do ficheiro «xorg.conf» (e «xorg.conf.d/»)"
#. Type: note
#. Description
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/it.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/it.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/it.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"Questo sistema ha una scheda grafica che non è più gestita dal driver Fglrx "
-"(pacchetto fglrx-driver). Si può voler mantenere il pacchetto installato, ad "
+"(pacchetto ${driver}). Si può voler mantenere il pacchetto installato, ad "
"esempio per pilotare una qualche altra scheda, ma quella con il seguente "
"chipset non sarà utilizzabile:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ja.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ja.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ja.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
-"このシステムには Fglrx ドライバ (fglrx-driver パッケージ) ではもう扱われな"
+"このシステムには Fglrx ドライバ (${driver} パッケージ) ではもう扱われな"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pl.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pl.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pl.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"W systemie znajduje się karta graficzna, która nie jest dłużej obsługiwana "
-"przez sterownik Fglrx (z pakietu fglrx-driver). Można jednak zachować pakiet "
+"przez sterownik Fglrx (z pakietu ${driver}). Można jednak zachować pakiet "
"(np. do innej karty), lecz ta z następującym chipsetem nie będzie wówczas "
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pt.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pt.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/pt.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"O sistema tem uma placa gráfica que já não é suportada pela driver Fglrx "
-"(pacote fglrx-driver). Você pode desejar manter o pacote instalado - por "
+"(pacote ${driver}). Você pode desejar manter o pacote instalado - por "
"exemplo para lidar com outra placa) - mas a placa com o seguinte chipset não "
"irá funcionar:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ru.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ru.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/ru.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"В системе обнаружена графическая карта, которая больше не поддерживается "
-"драйвером Fglrx (пакет fglrx-driver). Вы можете оставить пакет установленным "
+"драйвером Fglrx (пакет ${driver}). Вы можете оставить пакет установленным "
"(например, для какой-то другой карты), но карта со следующим набором "
"микросхем работать не будет:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sk.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sk.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sk.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#| "some other card), but the above card won't be usable."
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@
"from xorg.conf (and xorg.conf.d/)."
msgstr ""
"Predtým, než budete môcť používať ovládač ${free_name} musíte odstrániť z xorg."
-"conf (a z xorg.conf.d/) konfiguráciu fglrx a vyčistiť („purge“, nie len "
-"„remove“) balík fglrx-driver."
+"conf (a z xorg.conf.d/) konfiguráciu fglrx"
#. Type: note
#. Description
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sv.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sv.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/sv.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
"Systemet har ett grafikkort som inte längre hanteras av drivrutinen Fglrx "
-"(paketet fglrx-driver). Du kan välja att fortsätta ha paketet installerat - "
+"(paketet ${driver}). Du kan välja att fortsätta ha paketet installerat - "
"exempelvis för att driva ett annat kort - men kortet med följande chipp kan "
"inte användas:"
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/templates.pot 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
Modified: fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/tr.po
--- fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/tr.po 2014-10-21 12:31:23 UTC (rev 1442)
+++ fglrx-driver/trunk/debian/po/tr.po 2014-10-21 12:42:05 UTC (rev 1443)
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
#: ../libfglrx.templates:2001
msgid ""
"This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx "
-"driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
+"driver (package ${driver}). You may wish to keep the package installed - "
"for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the following "
"chipset won't be usable:"
msgstr ""
-"Sisteminizde bulunan grafik kartı artık (fglrx-driver paketinin sağladığı) "
+"Sisteminizde bulunan grafik kartı artık (${driver} paketinin sağladığı) "
"Fglrx sürücüsüyle yönetilmeyen bir kart. İstediğiniz takdirde paketi kurulu "
"vaziyette tutmaya devam edebilirsiniz (örneğin başka bir kartı yönetmesi "
"için), fakat aşağıdaki yonga kümesini kullanan kart bu sürücü ile "
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