[Pkg-fonts-devel] Webpage and review updates, sponsoring

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sat Jun 14 13:26:32 UTC 2008

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Nicolas Spalinger
<nicolas_spalinger at sil.org> wrote:

> Paul, thanks for putting in place the modified review script that I
> committed to the team repo based on Miriam's work.

NP, thanks for doing the merging :)

> Back at the Edimburgh debconf we asked for extra software to be
> available on Alioth for the review.  Could you take care of adding the
> extra deps needed for this newer script: libfont-ttf-perl for
> ttfcoverage (the script in my people folder), the latest fontforge for
> fontlint and the ftvalid binary from CVS?

buxy installed libfont-ttf-perl and lcdf-typetools already. Since
there isn't an etch fontforge backport yet, I didn't ask him to
install fontforge. I just asked him to install freetype2-demos and
I'll re-enable the ftvalid thing when that is done.

> That will be very helpful to continue our archive-wide review and fixes.
> BTW, does your crontab look like for the review?

pabs at chianamo:~$ ssh alioth.debian.org crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
MAILTO=pabs at debian.org
@weekly bash -c 'cd ~/debfontreview ; export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH ; bash
./debfontreview 2>&1 > log'

> Could you also sync the updated webpage? I added a few extra links.


I also changed the group and permissions so that anyone in pkg-fonts
should be able to svn up in the web directory, or the debfontreview
directory on alioth:

links to the web dir above

When the current run is done, I'll move
/var/lib/gforge/chroot/home/users/pabs/debfontreview/ into
/srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/groups/pkg-fonts/ to make that more



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