[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#578141: Bug#578141: debian-specific wrong renaming of this font causes XeTeX problems
Rogério Brito
rbrito at ime.usp.br
Tue Apr 20 17:26:02 UTC 2010
Hi, Michael.
On Apr 17 2010, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> In #523186, a patch was introduced which renames LinLibertine_Re.ttf to
> "Linux Libertine O" (check with fontforge
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/linux-libertine/LinLibertine_Re.ttf). Note that
> the truetype font (.ttf) was renamed!
I have not yet checked the Linux Libertine packages, but this O thing is
a detail that I want to get rid of.
IMVHO, all these {otf,ttf,t1} prefixes are just a matter of
implementation details that should not matter to the end user. Of
course, the "should not" part is important, since we may still have
applications with problems with OpenType fonts.
OTOH, sticking with limited TTF and T1 fonts encoded in a myriad of
"standards" is a pain and just migrating to OTF seems to be the sane way
to go.
> When downloading Linux Libertine in the same version (4.4.1) from sourceforge,
> you get a tgz containing LinLibertine_Re-4.4.1.otf (name "Linux Libertine O")
> and LinLibertine_Re-4.4.1.ttf (name "Linux Libertine"). In my opinion, bug
> #523186 was fixed in a wrong way (by renaming the ttf to the otf name instead
> of just including the otf fonts).
A good thing to avoid these kludges would be to generate two packages
from the Linux Libertine fonts: the ttf and the otf flavors.
> Now consider the following XeTeX document (say, mwe.tex):
Anything that breaks TeX is serious. :-)
> When replacing the ttf files with the original ones from sourceforge, it works
> fine. So, please do not include the patch renaming this font any longer, it
> breaks documents.
Right. Breaking documents that people may exchange is very undesired.
> PS: There later was a similar bug, #511145, which was "fixed" by applying a
> workaround in fontconfig. I think XeTeX does not use fontconfig and thus
> requires the font name to actually be correct.
If I am not mistaken, XeTeX uses fontconfig and LuaTeX use(d?)
fontforge's font loading mechanisms. It seems that LuaTeX is migrating
from fontforge (has already?).
Rogério Brito : rbrito@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8
http://rb.doesntexist.org : Packages for LaTeX : algorithms.berlios.de
DebianQA: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rbrito%40ime.usp.br
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