[Pkg-fonts-devel] ParaType Sans free font

Nicolas Spalinger nicolas_spalinger at sil.org
Sun Feb 21 19:42:35 UTC 2010

Dmitry Rozhkov wrote:
> Hi,
> Could anybody include the new free fonts by ParaType in the distro?
> I have prepared a package for the fonts, but I'm not a debian
> developer. At least now.
> The package can be found here: http://github.com/rojkov/ttf-paratype-sans.
> This is the license in English http://fonts.ru/public/pt_openlicense_eng.asp

Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for your efforts.

Various people have been in touch with upstream and as a result upstream
have promised to release ParaType Sans under the OFL as well.
So please wait for that.

We will package the font and work to get in into the archive as a team
when it comes out under a community-recognized license.

We certainly don't want to encourage every foundry to release under
their own project-and-organisation-specific license... It would have to
go through license checks too. But we want to continue advocate (as is
already happening in this case) their use of already established models.

> BR,
> Dima


Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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