[Pkg-fonts-devel] Maintaining your font packages under the pkg-fonts team umbrella?

Mauro Lizaur mauro at cacavoladora.org
Mon Jan 4 00:38:31 UTC 2010

2010-01-03, Christian PERRIER:

> Hello Mauro,
> I noticed that you do maintain at least one font package (ttf-breip)
> for Debian.
> I wonder if you would be OK to work on this along with the pkg-fonts
> team (https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-fonts/).
> Our team recently made big efforts to modernize our font packaging
> (dropping defoma, move to dh7-style rules files, source v3 format) and
> joining the team could help in doing such work on the packages you maintain.
> What would you think of this?

Hello Christian and Debian Font Task Force,

Sounds fine to me. Also, to be more exact I maintain two more fonts beside
ttf-breip: ttf-essays1743 and ttf-summersby which I'll likely to add them
aswell to the repository.
I'll need a couple of days to get used to the v3 format and have them 
properly built, also i'll see if I finally could get rid of the weird
issue that I'm having when trying to do checkouts from alioth.d.o


JID: lavaramano at nube.usla.org.ar | http://lizaur.github.com/
2B82 A38D 1BA5 847A A74D 6C34 6AB7 9ED6 C8FD F9C1

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