[Pkg-fonts-devel] Packaging Shavian fonts and RiordonFancy

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Mon Feb 21 06:36:57 UTC 2011

Quoting Thomas Thurman (thomas at thurman.org.uk):

> > So, just in case, CC'ing him.
> Thank you: that's useful. I applied to join the list yesterday, but I
> believe I am still waiting for my subscription to be approved.

For the membership on pkg-fonts on alioth, yes. I need to approve you,
which I'll do as soon as I'm online, hopefully.

Mailing list subscription itself doesn't have to be approved and is
opened to anybody. See http://lists.alioth.debian.org (if you're not
subcribed to the mailing list of course)

> I have a first pass attempt at both fonts. Could someone comment on
> what still needs to be done before it goes forwards to ITP?
> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~tthurman/fonts/

Will do that ASAP...again as soon as I'm online (and have some time
for the review, of course).

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