[Pkg-fonts-devel] From Mr.mustafamohamadi

mr mustafa mohamadi mrmustafamohamadi at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 01:48:14 UTC 2012

>From Mr.mustafamohamadi  Request For assistance
Dear Friend,I am compelled by my urgent need for a foreign partner that is why I have personally  contacted you for this transaction. I am an auditor by profession working in Bank   of  Africa, Burkina faso, West Africa. I havethe opportunity of transfering a left over funds (US$10.5M) of one of my bank clients who  died along with his entire family in a plane crash.
Hence,I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be transferred out of  the bank and shared between us in the ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.If you agree  to my business proposal,further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon  as i receive your return email. 
Sincerely,Mr.mustafamohamadi+226 7968 4045 
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