[Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-arkpandora: Re: Claiming the ownership as part of pkg-fonts

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 06:09:50 UTC 2013

Hi fabian,

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com> wrote:
>> - Why pkg-fonts/arkpandora.git and not pkg-fonts/fonts-arkpandora.git
>> like all the other fonts-* packages?

First I thought of naming it fonts-arkpandora but then I thought to
have upstream name source package and binary is named as per our team
naming policy. I was also planning to prpose this change to our naming
policy but didn't get enough time.

What do you think of -

1. Source package named in same way as upstream
2. Only binary package will be named to have fonts- prefix

> Fixed by a symlink on git.debian.org.
> Please do the same for noto -> fonts-noto.
>> - Why use cdbs instead of plain dh?

I prefer cdbs over dh and I see this as personal preference can you
please leave it to have CDBS?

>> - Why use control.in -> control?

More explanation here [1] [2] Of course there is not much  dependency
management but I just have this same structure across most of my CDBS
packages. So I intend to leave it as it is.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/CDBS+git-buildpackage#Building_the_package
[2] http://copyninja.info/2013/05/cdbs_packaging%3A_package_relationship_management.html

>> - Why Build-Depends on dh-buildinfo, devscripts?

devscripts because cdbs uses a copyright check feature which I'm not
utilizing here so I will override this dependency also dh-buildinfo
might not be necessary for this package as its simply installing ttf
file (not building it from source). I will disable this too from rules

>> - Bitstream-Ve_e_ra-Copyright, typo?

Indeed a typ thanks for noticing

>> - dh_install does not rename files upon installation, please
>> check /etc/fonts/conf.avail/61-arkpandora.conf/local.conf.arkpandora!

Uh oh I always mess things up here thanks for noticing.

> Fixed all of these locally. Would you mind me pushing these changes?

I'm okay with last 2 changes but not the changes related to CDBS I
will fix this myself. Also if you see having same name as upstream
name for source package I'm okay with your changes.

Sorry for late reply as I was travelling and was not having internet connection.

Thanks and Regards

Vasudev Kamath

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