[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#648779: [PATCH] added new homepage for upstream

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Fri May 16 04:07:52 UTC 2014

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Francesca Ciceri wrote:

> Also, to clarify: so when patches are this trivial it's ok for me to
> just commit them directly in the repo if the package is maintained under
> the pkg-fonts umbrella? Without asking the main maintainer/uploader?
> I really don't want to step on someone else's toes :).

I advocate the position that all fonts are maintained by everyone in
the team when the team is set to maintainer. So yes please commit and
upload team maintained things. Use dch --team to avoid lintian

> And another doubt: do I need to add an entry in the changelog each time
> I commit a patch (and/or change something) or is this something will be
> take care when preparing the next release?

When in doubt, add an entry since you can't know if the person doing
the upload will review changes and update the changelog.

> Also: does it make sense to add a changelog entry for such trivial changes?

I think it is interesting for most changelog consumers to know when
Homepages were changed.

> Sorry but I haven't really gotten the hang of the changelogs yet :)

There are some best practices in devref:




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