September 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 12:20:30 UTC 2014
Ending: Tue Sep 30 16:39:18 UTC 2014
Messages: 161
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762252: ITP: afdko -- Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType
ChangZhuo Chen (=?UTF-8?Q?=E9=99=B3=E6=98=8C=E5=80=AC?=)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762252: ITP Adobe Font Developer Toolkit
ChangZhuo Chen (=?UTF-8?Q?=E9=99=B3=E6=98=8C=E5=80=AC?=)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Please add 2 new fonts to Debian
ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762252: ITP: afdko -- Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType
ChangZhuo Chen (=?UTF-8?Q?=E9=99=B3=E6=98=8C=E5=80=AC?=)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Skrzynka pocztowa zostala tymczasowo zawieszona!!!
System Admin
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Comments regarding fontforge_2.0.20140101-1_amd64.changes
Thorsten Alteholz
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Daniel Baumann
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762989: fonts-cantarell: Please upgrade to 0.0.16
Laurent Bigonville
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760966: fonts-georgewilliams: the "monospace" font contains ligatures
Adam Borowski
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760966: fonts-georgewilliams: the "monospace" font contains ligatures
Adam Borowski
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Just Fill Bugs
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] TO YOU
Daron Burrows
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762979: fonts-ebgaramond-extra: Please package new version 0.016 (released April 7th, 2014)
Douglas F. Calvert
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Font name changing, wrt bug #760826
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760966: Bug#760966: fonts-georgewilliams: the "monospace" font contains ligatures
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams brings up ugly ligatures
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760826: Bug#760826: fonts-georgewilliams: The default system Monospace font is replaced by fonts-georgewilliams package
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] RFS: fonts-georgewilliams
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] RFS: fonts-georgewilliams
Francesca Ciceri
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Dave Crossland
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Dave Crossland
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [fontforge-users] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Dave Crossland
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] HOW ARE YOU?
Nina Dalima
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams brings up ugly ligatures
Elmar Dolgener
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Welcome to our Challenge Week with great offers
EET Europarts
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760966: fonts-georgewilliams: the “monospace” font has ligatures with multiple letters in a single cell
Ben Finney
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Dear winner, kindly view the attached!!
Unclaimed Fund
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Thorsten Glaser
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Importante
Pascal Gnam
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] EM URGENT NOTICE
Bertha Gonzalez
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] msttcorefonts and pkg-fonts?
Fabian Greffrath
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762989: Bug#762989: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-cantarell package
Fabian Greffrath
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [fontforge-users] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Paul Hardy
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#763114: fonts-junction: Please package a new upstream version
Roland Hieber
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: Please drop 65-droid-sans-fonts.conf
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#661235: fonts-droid: Japanese variant isn't used and Fallback is selected instead
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#729752: Spits multiple fontconfig warnings for many programs
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: Please drop 65-droid-sans-fonts.conf
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: fixed in fonts-android 1:4.4.4r2-2
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: fixed in fonts-android 1:4.4.4r2-2
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] T shirts, ECO bags, caps for advertiing from China
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] my subject
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Guillem Jover
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Caution=> this email is for YOU, ONLY !
George Gould Jr
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Cosmo Oil Company Limited
Mr Yaichi Kimura
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] msttcorefonts and pkg-fonts?
Thijs Kinkhorst
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760826: fonts-georgewilliams: The default system Monospace font is replaced by fonts-georgewilliams package
Frederic MASSOT
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Copyright © 2014 Webmail .Inc . All rights reserved.
John Makie
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760650: anonymous-pro: Space in the ttf file name
Michaël Malter
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-georgewilliams_20031023-2_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-georgewilliams_20031023-2_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams_20031023-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of birdfont_1.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] birdfont_1.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of birdfont_1.3-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] birdfont_1.3-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-horai-umefont_465-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-horai-umefont_465-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#761692: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-sawarabi-mincho_20140915-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-sawarabi-gothic_20140915-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-gothic_20140915-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-mincho_20140915-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-android_4.4.4r2-2_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-android_4.4.4r2-2_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-android_4.4.4r2-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-nanum-coding_2.0-10_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-nanum-eco_1.000-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-nanum_20131007-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum_20131007-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum-coding_2.0-10_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum-eco_1.000-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-nanum_20131007-6_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum_20131007-6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-baekmuk_2.2-11_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-unfonts-core_1.0.2-080608-12_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-baekmuk_2.2-11_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-unfonts-core_1.0.2-080608-12_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-woowa-hanna_1.000-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-unfonts-extra_1.0.2-080608+dfsg-5_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-unfonts-extra_1.0.2-080608+dfsg-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-woowa-hanna_1.000-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-lexi-gulim_20090423-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-lexi-gulim_20090423-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-cantarell_0.0.16-1_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processing of fonts-cantarell_0.0.16-1_i386.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-cantarell_0.0.16-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams brings up ugly ligatures
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] RFS: fonts-georgewilliams
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: Bug#762237: fixed in fonts-android 1:4.4.4r2-2
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762989: Bug#762989: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-cantarell package
Christian PERRIER
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Changwoo Ryu
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Changwoo Ryu
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] ITP: fonts-lexi-gulim -- Lexi Gulim Korean font
Changwoo Ryu
Mayllanne Santos
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Possible abuse of dpkg-deb -z9 for xz compressed binary packages
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: Bug#762296: Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Jonas Smedegaard
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762296: Bug#762296: "Droid Sans Fallback" refers to three different files
Jonas Smedegaard
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Nicolas Spalinger
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Nicolas Spalinger
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Snimanja energetskih fenomena na bosanskim piramidama
Piramida Sunca
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processed: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-georgewilliams package
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760826: marked as done (fonts-georgewilliams: The default system Monospace font is replaced by fonts-georgewilliams package)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processed: Re: Bug#760966: fonts-georgewilliams: the “monospace” font has ligatures with multiple letters in a single cell
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processed: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-android package
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#661235: marked as done (fonts-droid: Japanese variant isn't used and Fallback is selected instead)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#729752: marked as done (Spits multiple fontconfig warnings for many programs)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: marked as done (Please drop 65-droid-sans-fonts.conf)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processed: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-cantarell package
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762989: marked as done (fonts-cantarell: Please upgrade to 0.0.16)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Processed: tagging 763114
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] FontForge Copyright Metadata
Frank Trampe
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] ((((payment Code:ST/DPI/829))))
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#761982: fonts-ebgaramond-extra: Font file EBGaramond12-SC.ttf no longer appears in package(s)
Derek Upham
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Font name changing, wrt bug #760826
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Fonts providing emojis?
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Adobe ADFKO is now free software!
Paul Wise
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Hideki Yamane
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Hideki Yamane
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Hideki Yamane
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] [Fontforge-users] New Debian/Ubuntu Packages
Hideki Yamane
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Please add 2 new fonts to Debian
Lv Zheng
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] = FYI
anne.constantinou at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] We wish to contract you as our "Representative" in Canada, reply
kidzwoodz at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] We wish to contract you as our "Representative" in Canada.
memmotts at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#760826: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-georgewilliams package
pkg-fonts-devel at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762237: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-android package
pkg-fonts-devel at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#762989: Pending fixes for bugs in the fonts-cantarell package
pkg-fonts-devel at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Dear Beloved
lmd at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Dear Beloved
lmd at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] high fire mugs logo printing supply
Custom mugs
lotto office
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Call for paper- International Conference on Economics, Energy, Environment and Agricultural Sciences
marketing ofiicer
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Mutual Partnership
jcrpharma-shin at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Representative Needed
jcrpharma-shin at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams 20031023-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sil-gentiumplus 1.510-web-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] gw-fonts-ttf REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-horai-umefont 465-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-georgewilliams 20031023-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-gothic 20140915-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-sawarabi-mincho 20140915-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum 20131007-5 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum-coding 2.0-10 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-nanum-eco 1.000-6 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] fonts-android 1:4.4.4r2-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] Venture
Mr.Beno.ukpd1 at
- [Pkg-fonts-devel] 第二届全国电子信息类课程建设及人才培养研讨会邀请函-2014年10月24-26日・沈阳・东北大学
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 16:39:18 UTC 2014
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 16:39:36 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).