[Pkg-fonts-devel] Creating independent packages for OpenType math fonts?

Frédéric WANG fred.wang at free.fr
Fri Mar 18 07:13:37 UTC 2016

Hi Norbert,

Thank you for your reply.

So basically, I think just removing the dependency on tex-common for
fonts-lmodern and fonts-texgyre will be enough (in Debian there are
already fontconfig files to expose the fonts in /usr/share/texmf/ to
other applications). I don't think separate *-math packages or just
splitting fonts-texgyre into fonts-texgyrebonum, fonts-texgyrepagella
etc is needed. Thanks!

Regarding XITS and Libertinus, they are respectively forks of fonts-stix
and fonts-linuxlibertine, so it would make sense to have separate
packages for the forks too... but that's less a priority to me.


Frédéric Wang

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