[Pkg-fonts-devel] ACCESS YOUR FUND URGENT NOW !!!

Bank Of America bergenoid at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 20:18:59 UTC 2016

Good Day..

Please my Dear we are sorry for our delaying so far!!, you can now access
your compensation of $10.5 million U.S Dollar which has been credited on
online account, it was registered with your Email, so log in to access the
fund online now, with your Email and its password to clarify that this
Email that is used to set up your online bank account is still active and
to help us verify the real beneficiary,for easy access to your fund online
, click here Online Fund Status
  to start the process, remember you can only log in with your email
address and its password because it was registered with your email, for
recognition of the real beneficiary of the fund, Note; even if it the site
doesn't log you in at the first attempt try continuously okay, it will log
you in to access your fund online and get back to me once you transfer total
amount into your Bank account thanks..

God bless!

Online Fund Status

Await your reply
Mrs Sandra Sandra

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