[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#911705: Bug#911705: #911705 [l10n|gu] debian-installer: fonts broken for Gujarati

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Wed Dec 5 21:57:51 GMT 2018

Quoting Holger Wansing (2018-12-05 21:49:04)
> Hi Jonas,
> Holger Wansing <hwansing at mailbox.org> wrote:
> > Yeah, I built a test image with this, and as it seems Gujarati is 
> > back! :-) (no TOFU signs anymore, but promissing looking glyphs)
> > 
> > I will provide screenshots soon, to give possibility to compare the 
> > results.
> So, here's a first bunch of screenshots, just to show that there seems 
> to be no difference between the three fonts "Noto Sans Gujarati", 
> "Noto Sans Gujarati UI" and "Noto Serif Gujarati".
> Is this correct? I suspect not ...
> (Or are the differences between the fonts so small, that I don't see 
> them?)
> I used these three different lines to set the font for Gujarati:
>         FONT_NAME="Noto Sans Gujarati"
>         FONT_NAME="Noto Sans Gujarati UI"
>         FONT_NAME="Noto Serif Gujarati"

The UI variant is likely irrelevant: It is a font optimized for use in 
UI elements like menus where uniform height has higher priority than 
whatever is the normal spacing dynamic in regular texts.

A quick search for samples led me to 
https://fontinfo.opensuse.org/fonts/NotoSansGujaratiRegular.html and 
https://fontinfo.opensuse.org/fonts/NotoSerifGujaratiRegular.html which 
(especially when zoomed in and comparing the largest samples) show 
slight difference e.g. in the "middle" glyf (to me looking like an 
elefant at a lake with a candle on its head...)

Which is best I cannot tell.  Kartik, we need your input :-)

> There is also a screenshot from Stretch, which shows the font for 
> Gujarati from the ttf-freefont package, which looks more bold.
> Can I also have a bold variant to show to the proofreaders?

Seems the bold variant is already there (looks to me like the subject 
line is written in bold).

If you are asking for a stronger bold, then... yes you can have that as 
well: Currently only main weights (Regular, Bold) are packaged, and 
Gujarati Serif (but not Gujarati Sans) has more variants (ExtraLignt, 
Light, Thin, Medium, ExtraBold, Black).  Tell me if needed, else I 
perfer to prioritize other tasks than packaging those (as I prefer to 
package it all at once - across all regions, not only Gujarati).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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