[Pkg-fonts-devel] Updated packaging of fonts-android in Git

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Aug 28 09:03:00 BST 2024


since a bug of fonts-android came up in the list of candidates for the
Bug of the Day[1] I had a look into this package.  While I admit I feel
unable to fix the open bugs I think there are good reasons to upload the
current status in Git anyway.

The changelog contained

   New upstream version 8.1.0r7
    (This is not released because there is no change in fonts).

I think it might be worth having a more recent upstream version anyway.
BTW, the watch file is not working and since I do not really understand
the upstream directory structure I failed to fix it.  It would be great
if you would verify whether there are new upstream versions and if you
could point the watch file to this location.

Another good reason to upload are the updated Vcs fields to announce
the package is maintained on Salsa.  This really helps to do some QA

I've pushed a lot of modernisation commits done automatically by
Janitor and routine-update.  It deals with a lot of lintian issues
and might be another reason to upload the package.

Hope this helps and thanks for maintaining this package

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/tille/tiny_qa_tools/-/wikis/Tiny-QA-tasks


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