Bug#1099201: colord: Fix typo in AppStream metadata XML (drop type="desktop")

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Mar 1 16:04:46 GMT 2025

Package: colord
Version: 1.4.7-2
Severity: important
Tags: patch

I see from the AppStream parser information available from
<URL: https://appstream.debian.org/sid/main/issues/colord.html > I made
a mistake when submitting the patch including the AppStream metadata
XML.  The parser complain like this:


   * gui-app-without-icon
     The component is a GUI application (application which has a
     .desktop file for the XDG menu and Type=Application), but we could
     not find a matching icon for this application.


   * asv-desktop-app-launchable-missing
     org.freedesktop.colord.metainfo.xml -
     This `desktop-application` component is missing a `desktop-id`
     launchable tag. This means that this application can not be
     launched and has no association with its desktop-entry file. It
     also means no icon data or category information from the
     desktop-entry file will be available, which will result in this
     application being ignored entirely.
   * missing-launchable-desktop-file
     The MetaInfo file references a .desktop file with ID
     'org.freedesktop.colord.desktop' in its launchable tag, but the
     file was not found in the same source tree. In order to be able to
     launch the software once it was installed, please place the
     MetaInfo file and its .desktop files in the same package.

The reason is simply that the comonent in the XML had type="desktop",
which is reserved for packages with a .desktop file.  As colord is not a
desktop application, the correct fix is to drop the type="destop" from
the XML file:

diff --git a/debian/patches/1000-appstream-metainfo.patch b/debian/patches/1000-appstream-metainfo.patch
index 0650f277..99dc26e1 100644
--- a/debian/patches/1000-appstream-metainfo.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/1000-appstream-metainfo.patch
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ index 0000000..ac5f148
 +++ b/org.freedesktop.colord.metainfo.xml
 @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<component type="desktop">
 +  <id>org.freedesktop.colord</id>
 +  <metadata_license>MIT</metadata_license>
 +  <name>colord</name>

I am terribly sorry about the problems caused by my mistake.  I will
commit a fix to git once I know the BTS number.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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