Bug#1099557: transition: poppler 25.03

Jeremy Bícha jeremy.bicha at canonical.com
Tue Mar 4 23:09:39 GMT 2025

Package: release.debian.org
X-Debbugs-Cc: poppler at packages.debian.org
Control: affects -1 + src:poppler
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: transition

I request permission to do the transition for poppler 25.03.

This is the latest monthly release. Poppler unfortunately bumps the
soname with every monthly release.

I was hoping to target poppler 25.01 for Trixie but Papers 48 RC
requires poppler 25.02. I worked around this for Papers 48 Beta but
the dependency is stronger this time. I would prefer to not release
Trixie with the Papers app stuck on a beta version and I feel more
confident doing this transition than trying to undo the dependency

I have completed rebuilds for reverse depends using Debusine. The
build IDs range from 73011 to 73103. See

Failed builds
1. apvlv - Already fails to build in Unstable. https://bugs.debian.org/1099216
2. evince - Builds ok in my sbuild unshare and in Unstable a few days
ago. The build failure is in an appstream build test unrelated to this
poppler transition so I think this can be ignored.
3. bookworm - Similar build failure to evince but builds ok in my
sbuild unshare.
4. libreoffice - Rene has already identified the probable fix and is
doing a test build
5. peony - Not in Testing
6. scribus - I did an NMU which fixed this and confirmed with a local test build
7. sdaps - Not in Testing
8. xpdf - Filed https://bugs.debian.org/1099553 Fixed upstream so can
be NMU'd easily

I believe I did many more reverse-depends builds than were needed for
this transition and apvlv, bookworm, evince, and peony aren't in the
actual soname rebuild list.

Transition tracker
The auto tracker should be good. Waiting for acceptance by ftpmasters
though. Old is libpoppler145. New is libpoppler147.

Thank you,
Jeremy Bícha

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