Poppler on Debian

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at debian.org
Thu Jan 10 13:09:00 GMT 2019

On 09/01/2019 14:34, Jeroen Ooms wrote:
> Hello!
> I was wondering if it would be possible to update the 'poppler'
> package to the latest 0.73 release:
> https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/poppler
> This version has a few important bug fixes related to encoding, which
> we need for the R bindings.

I don't think so. That version (as every version, basically) breaks the ABI for
the unstable library, which is widely used, and there is no time to get all the
rdeps fixed before the transition freeze which is in two days. If there are some
specific commits that we can backport, then we could look into that, but I'm
afraid 0.73 is out of the question for buster. I could upload an updated package
to experimental if that would help.


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