Bug#864082: fontconfig: please make the cache files reproducible

Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues josch at debian.org
Wed Jan 12 07:27:56 GMT 2022


Quoting Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues (2021-12-28 09:38:51)
> since this bug has not seen maintainer action for several months now and
> because fontconfig is one of the last remaining bits that make a
> Priority:Standard chroot unreproducible, I'd like to propose to NMU
> fontconfig with the attached patch.
> Essentially, I took the patch by Chris Lamb and modified it so that
> uuid_generate_sha1() will be used if SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set. The original
> behaviour is retained without SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH being set. This should be the
> solution with zero impact on normal installations while making those
> installations that care (like reproducible chroot or image creation)
> reproducible.
> If I don't get a NACK from you on this, I plan to upload to DELAYED/10 in two
> weeks.

I just uploaded fontcontig to DELAYED/10 with the attached debdiff.


cheers, josch
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