Processed: your mail

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Wed Feb 9 12:57:10 GMT 2022

Processing commands for control at

> affects 898112 =
Bug #898112 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-hinted, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Removed indication that 898112 affects fonts-noto-hinted, fonts-noto-core, ttf-unifont, and fonts-symbola
> affects 914233 =
Bug #914233 [fontconfig] Package leaves behind a .uuid file causing dpkg warning
Bug #927473 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-core, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Removed indication that 914233 affects fonts-symbola, ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-hinted, and fonts-noto-core
Removed indication that 927473 affects ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-core, fonts-noto-hinted, and fonts-symbola
> affects 965261 =
Bug #965261 [fontconfig] '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unifont': Directory not empty
Removed indication that 965261 affects fonts-symbola, ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-hinted, and fonts-noto-core
> merge 898112 914233 965261
Bug #898112 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-hinted, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Bug #914233 [fontconfig] Package leaves behind a .uuid file causing dpkg warning
Bug #927473 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-core, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Bug #965261 [fontconfig] '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unifont': Directory not empty
Merged 898112 914233 927473 965261
> affects 898112 = fonts-noto-core fonts-noto-hinted fonts-symbola ttf-unifont
Bug #898112 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-hinted, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Bug #914233 [fontconfig] Package leaves behind a .uuid file causing dpkg warning
Bug #927473 [fontconfig] dpkg: warning: while removing fonts-noto-core, directory '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto' not empty so not removed
Bug #965261 [fontconfig] '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/unifont': Directory not empty
Added indication that 898112 affects fonts-symbola, ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-core, and fonts-noto-hinted
Added indication that 914233 affects fonts-noto-core, fonts-noto-hinted, ttf-unifont, and fonts-symbola
Added indication that 927473 affects ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-hinted, fonts-noto-core, and fonts-symbola
Added indication that 965261 affects ttf-unifont, fonts-noto-core, fonts-noto-hinted, and fonts-symbola
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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