Bug#981577: fontconfig should prefer DejaVu over Bitstream Vera

Dmitry Semyonov linulin at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 22:08:17 BST 2022

affects 981577 + fbreader

Another manifestation of the issue: broken rendering of cyrillic
symbols by the FBReader e-book reader.

Note that the ttf-bitstream-vera package description points users of
non-latin fonts into the right direction:
    "Non-latin scripts are not supported (use ttf-dejavu instead)."
but does not stress it enough that the "instead" word should be
treated literally. (Not to mention that the referenced package name
should be changed to "fonts-dejavu" nowadays.)

  I tried patching the /etc/fonts/conf.d/60-latin.conf locally as was
suggested in a similar bug discussion
(https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=961389#15) but it
didn't work for the cyrillic issue by some reason. So, I ended up
removing the ttf-bitstream-vera package from my system, (luckily, I
had no other packages depending on it).

  I think, something like the following could be used for quick test
of the preferred Bitstream Vera font on your system:

fc-match --sort ":family=Bitstream Vera Serif" |head


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