[Pkg-freeipa-devel] freeipa: Changes to 'wip/debian-platform'

Krzysztof Klimonda kklimonda-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 16 22:27:44 UTC 2012

 ipapython/platform/base/instances/bind.py      |  607 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ipapython/platform/debian/instances/utils.py   |   45 +
 ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/utils.py |   28 +
 ipapython/platform/utils.py                    |    9 
 ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py              |  632 -------------------------
 5 files changed, 689 insertions(+), 632 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bbb86e36aaefeaf12af33efbc71255a95d2c0312
Author: Krzysztof Klimonda <kklimonda at syntaxhighlighted.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 17 00:25:57 2012 +0200

    move check_inst out of bindinstance.py
    create a new platform utils module which imports a proper implementation
    from platform.PLATFORM.instances.utils. Move the current check_inst to the
    fedora16 package and create debian implementation which uses dpkg-query
    to check for bind9 and bind-dyndb-ldap packages.

diff --git a/ipapython/platform/base/instances/bind.py b/ipapython/platform/base/instances/bind.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1308ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipapython/platform/base/instances/bind.py
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+# Authors: Simo Sorce <ssorce at redhat.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2007  Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import tempfile
+import os
+import pwd
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import installutils
+import ldap
+import service
+from ipaserver import ipaldap
+from ipaserver.install.dsinstance import realm_to_serverid
+from ipaserver.install.installutils import resolve_host
+from ipapython import sysrestore
+from ipapython import ipautil
+from ipalib.constants import DNS_ZONE_REFRESH
+import ipalib
+from ipalib import api, util, errors
+def normalize_zone(zone):
+    if zone[-1] != '.':
+        return zone + '.'
+    else:
+        return zone
+def create_reverse():
+    return ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure the reverse zone?", True)
+def named_conf_exists():
+    named_fd = open('/etc/named.conf', 'r')
+    lines = named_fd.readlines()
+    named_fd.close()
+    for line in lines:
+        if line.startswith('dynamic-db "ipa"'):
+            return True
+    return False
+def dns_container_exists(fqdn, suffix, dm_password=None, ldapi=False, realm=None):
+    """
+    Test whether the dns container exists.
+    """
+    def object_exists(dn):
+        """
+        Test whether the given object exists in LDAP.
+        """
+        try:
+            conn.search_ext_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
+        except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    try:
+        # At install time we may need to use LDAPI to avoid chicken/egg
+        # issues with SSL certs and truting CAs
+        if ldapi:
+            conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, ldapi=True, realm=realm)
+        else:
+            conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, port=636, cacert=service.CACERT)
+        if dm_password:
+            conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dm_password)
+        else:
+            conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind()
+    except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
+        raise RuntimeError('LDAP server on %s is not responding. Is IPA installed?' % fqdn)
+    ret = object_exists("cn=dns,%s" % suffix)
+    conn.unbind_s()
+    return ret
+def dns_zone_exists(name):
+    try:
+        zone = api.Command.dnszone_show(unicode(name))
+    except ipalib.errors.NotFound:
+        return False
+    if len(zone) == 0:
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address):
+    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
+    rev = '.' + normalize_zone(zone)
+    fullrev = '.' + normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
+    if not fullrev.endswith(rev):
+        raise ValueError("IP address does not match reverse zone")
+    return fullrev[1:-len(rev)]
+def verify_reverse_zone(zone, ip_address):
+    try:
+        get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address)
+    except ValueError:
+        print "Invalid reverse zone %s" % zone
+        return False
+    return True
+def get_reverse_zone_default(ip_address):
+    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
+    items = ip.reverse_dns.split('.')
+    if ip.version == 4:
+        items = items[1:]   # /24 for IPv4
+    elif ip.version == 6:
+        items = items[16:]  # /64 for IPv6
+    return normalize_zone('.'.join(items))
+def find_reverse_zone(ip_address):
+    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
+    zone = normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
+    while len(zone) > 0:
+        if dns_zone_exists(zone):
+            return zone
+        foo, bar, zone = zone.partition('.')
+    return None
+def get_reverse_zone(ip_address):
+    return find_reverse_zone(ip_address) or get_reverse_zone_default(ip_address)
+def read_reverse_zone(default, ip_address):
+    while True:
+        zone = ipautil.user_input("Please specify the reverse zone name", default=default)
+        if not zone:
+            return None
+        if verify_reverse_zone(zone, ip_address):
+            break
+    return normalize_zone(zone)
+def add_zone(name, zonemgr=None, dns_backup=None, ns_hostname=None, ns_ip_address=None,
+       update_policy=None):
+    if update_policy is None:
+        update_policy = "grant %(realm)s krb5-self * A; grant %(realm)s krb5-self * AAAA;" % dict(realm=api.env.realm)
+    if ns_hostname is None:
+        # automatically retrieve list of DNS masters
+        dns_masters = api.Object.dnsrecord.get_dns_masters()
+        if not dns_masters:
+            raise errors.NotFound("No IPA server with DNS support found!")
+        ns_main = dns_masters.pop(0)
+        ns_replicas = dns_masters
+        ns_ip_address = resolve_host(ns_main)
+    else:
+        ns_main = ns_hostname
+        ns_replicas = []
+    try:
+        api.Command.dnszone_add(unicode(name),
+                                idnssoamname=unicode(ns_main+'.'),
+                                idnssoarname=unicode(zonemgr),
+                                ip_address=unicode(ns_ip_address),
+                                idnsallowdynupdate=True,
+                                idnsupdatepolicy=unicode(update_policy))
+    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
+        pass
+    nameservers = ns_replicas + [ns_main]
+    for hostname in nameservers:
+        add_ns_rr(name, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True)
+def add_reverse_zone(zone, ns_hostname=None, ns_ip_address=None,
+        ns_replicas=[], update_policy=None, dns_backup=None):
+    zone = normalize_zone(zone)
+    if update_policy is None:
+        update_policy = "grant %s krb5-subdomain %s PTR;" % (api.env.realm, zone)
+    if ns_hostname is None:
+        # automatically retrieve list of DNS masters
+        dns_masters = api.Object.dnsrecord.get_dns_masters()
+        if not dns_masters:
+            raise errors.NotFound("No IPA server with DNS support found!")
+        ns_main = dns_masters.pop(0)
+        ns_replicas = dns_masters
+        ns_ip_address = resolve_host(ns_main)
+    else:
+        ns_main = ns_hostname
+        ns_replicas = []
+    try:
+        api.Command.dnszone_add(unicode(zone),
+                                idnssoamname=unicode(ns_main+'.'),
+                                idnsallowdynupdate=True,
+                                ip_address=unicode(ns_ip_address),
+                                idnsupdatepolicy=unicode(update_policy))
+    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
+        pass
+    nameservers = ns_replicas + [ns_main]
+    for hostname in nameservers:
+        add_ns_rr(zone, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True)
+def add_rr(zone, name, type, rdata, dns_backup=None, **kwargs):
+    addkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) }
+    addkw.update(kwargs)
+    try:
+        api.Command.dnsrecord_add(unicode(zone), unicode(name), **addkw)
+    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
+        pass
+    if dns_backup:
+        dns_backup.add(zone, type, name, rdata)
+def add_fwd_rr(zone, host, ip_address):
+    addr = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
+    if addr.version == 4:
+        add_rr(zone, host, "A", ip_address)
+    elif addr.version == 6:
+        add_rr(zone, host, "AAAA", ip_address)
+def add_ptr_rr(zone, ip_address, fqdn, dns_backup=None):
+    name = get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address)
+    add_rr(zone, name, "PTR", fqdn+".", dns_backup)
+def add_ns_rr(zone, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True):
+    add_rr(zone, "@", "NS", hostname+'.', dns_backup=dns_backup,
+            force=force)
+def del_rr(zone, name, type, rdata):
+    delkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) }
+    try:
+        api.Command.dnsrecord_del(unicode(zone), unicode(name), **delkw)
+    except (errors.NotFound, errors.EmptyModlist):
+        pass
+def get_rr(zone, name, type):
+    rectype = '%srecord' % unicode(type.lower())
+    ret = api.Command.dnsrecord_find(unicode(zone), unicode(name))
+    if ret['count'] > 0:
+        for r in ret['result']:
+            if rectype in r:
+                return r[rectype]
+    return []
+class DnsBackup(object):
+    def __init__(self, service):
+        self.service = service
+        self.zones = {}
+    def add(self, zone, record_type, host, rdata):
+        """
+        Backup a DNS record in the file store so it can later be removed.
+        """
+        if zone not in self.zones:
+            zone_id = len(self.zones)
+            self.zones[zone] = (zone_id, 0)
+            self.service.backup_state("dns_zone_%s" % zone_id, zone)
+        (zone_id, record_id) = self.zones[zone]
+        self.service.backup_state("dns_record_%s_%s" % (zone_id, record_id),
+                                  "%s %s %s" % (record_type, host, rdata))
+        self.zones[zone] = (zone_id, record_id + 1)
+    def clear_records(self, have_ldap):
+        """
+        Remove all records from the file store. If we are connected to
+        ldap, we will also remove them there.
+        """
+        i = 0
+        while True:
+            zone = self.service.restore_state("dns_zone_%s" % i)
+            if not zone:
+                return
+            j = 0
+            while True:
+                dns_record = self.service.restore_state("dns_record_%s_%s" % (i, j))
+                if not dns_record:
+                    break
+                if have_ldap:
+                    type, host, rdata = dns_record.split(" ", 2)
+                    try:
+                        delkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) }
+                        api.Command.dnsrecord_del(unicode(zone), unicode(host), **delkw)
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                j += 1
+            i += 1
+class BindInstance(service.Service):
+    def __init__(self, fstore=None, dm_password=None):
+        service.Service.__init__(self, "named", dm_password=dm_password)
+        self.dns_backup = DnsBackup(self)
+        self.named_user = None
+        self.domain = None
+        self.host = None
+        self.ip_address = None
+        self.realm = None
+        self.forwarders = None
+        self.sub_dict = None
+        self.reverse_zone = None
+        self.dm_password = dm_password
+        if fstore:
+            self.fstore = fstore
+        else:
+            self.fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
+    def setup(self, fqdn, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name, forwarders, ntp,
+              reverse_zone, named_user="named", zonemgr=None,
+              zone_refresh=DNS_ZONE_REFRESH, zone_notif=False):
+        self.named_user = named_user
+        self.fqdn = fqdn
+        self.ip_address = ip_address
+        self.realm = realm_name
+        self.domain = domain_name
+        self.forwarders = forwarders
+        self.host = fqdn.split(".")[0]
+        self.host_domain = '.'.join(fqdn.split(".")[1:])
+        self.suffix = util.realm_to_suffix(self.realm)
+        self.ntp = ntp
+        self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone
+        self.zone_refresh = zone_refresh
+        self.zone_notif = zone_notif
+        if zonemgr:
+            self.zonemgr = zonemgr.replace('@','.')
+        else:
+            self.zonemgr = 'root.%s.%s' % (self.host, self.domain)
+        self.__setup_sub_dict()
+    def create_sample_bind_zone(self):
+        bind_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "bind.zone.db.template", self.sub_dict)
+        [bind_fd, bind_name] = tempfile.mkstemp(".db","sample.zone.")
+        os.write(bind_fd, bind_txt)
+        os.close(bind_fd)
+        print "Sample zone file for bind has been created in "+bind_name
+    def create_instance(self):
+        try:
+            self.stop()
+        except:
+            pass
+        # get a connection to the DS
+        self.ldap_connect()
+        if installutils.record_in_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn) is None:
+            installutils.add_record_to_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn)
+        if not dns_container_exists(self.fqdn, self.suffix, realm=self.realm,
+                                    ldapi=True, dm_password=self.dm_password):
+            self.step("adding DNS container", self.__setup_dns_container)
+        if dns_zone_exists(self.domain):
+            self.step("adding NS record to the zone", self.__add_self_ns)
+        else:
+            self.step("setting up our zone", self.__setup_zone)
+        if self.reverse_zone is not None:
+            self.step("setting up reverse zone", self.__setup_reverse_zone)
+        self.step("setting up our own record", self.__add_self)
+        self.step("setting up kerberos principal", self.__setup_principal)
+        self.step("setting up named.conf", self.__setup_named_conf)
+        self.step("restarting named", self.__start)
+        self.step("configuring named to start on boot", self.__enable)
+        self.step("changing resolv.conf to point to ourselves", self.__setup_resolv_conf)
+        self.start_creation("Configuring named:")
+    def __start(self):
+        try:
+            self.backup_state("running", self.is_running())
+            self.restart()
+        except:
+            print "named service failed to start"
+    def __enable(self):
+        self.backup_state("enabled", self.is_running())
+        # We do not let the system start IPA components on its own,
+        # Instead we reply on the IPA init script to start only enabled
+        # components as found in our LDAP configuration tree
+        self.ldap_enable('DNS', self.fqdn, self.dm_password, self.suffix)
+    def __setup_sub_dict(self):
+        if self.forwarders:
+            fwds = "\n"
+            for forwarder in self.forwarders:
+                fwds += "\t\t%s;\n" % forwarder
+            fwds += "\t"
+        else:
+            fwds = " "
+        if self.ntp:
+            optional_ntp =  "\n;ntp server\n"
+            optional_ntp += "_ntp._udp\t\tIN SRV 0 100 123\t%s""" % self.host
+        else:
+            optional_ntp = ""
+        self.sub_dict = dict(FQDN=self.fqdn,
+                             IP=self.ip_address,
+                             DOMAIN=self.domain,
+                             HOST=self.host,
+                             REALM=self.realm,
+                             SERVER_ID=realm_to_serverid(self.realm),
+                             FORWARDERS=fwds,
+                             SUFFIX=self.suffix,
+                             OPTIONAL_NTP=optional_ntp,
+                             ZONEMGR=self.zonemgr,
+                             ZONE_REFRESH=self.zone_refresh,
+                             PERSISTENT_SEARCH=self.zone_notif and "yes" or "no")
+    def __setup_dns_container(self):
+        self._ldap_mod("dns.ldif", self.sub_dict)
+    def __setup_zone(self):
+        if self.host_domain != self.domain:
+            # add DNS domain for host first
+            logging.debug("Host domain (%s) is different from DNS domain (%s)!" \
+                    % (self.host_domain, self.domain))
+            logging.debug("Add DNS zone for host first.")
+            add_zone(self.host_domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,
+                    ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=self.ip_address)
+        add_zone(self.domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,
+                ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=self.ip_address)
+    def __add_self_ns(self):
+        add_ns_rr(self.domain, api.env.host, self.dns_backup, force=True)
+    def __add_self(self):
+        zone = self.domain
+        resource_records = (
+            ("_ldap._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 389 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kerberos", "TXT", self.realm),
+            ("_kerberos._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kerberos._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kerberos-master._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kerberos-master._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kpasswd._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host),
+            ("_kpasswd._udp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % self.host),
+        )
+        for (host, type, rdata) in resource_records:
+            if type == "SRV":
+                add_rr(zone, host, type, rdata, self.dns_backup)
+            else:
+                add_rr(zone, host, type, rdata)
+        if self.ntp:
+            add_rr(zone, "_ntp._udp", "SRV", "0 100 123 %s" % self.host)
+        # Add forward and reverse records to self
+        add_fwd_rr(zone, self.host, self.ip_address)
+        if self.reverse_zone is not None and dns_zone_exists(self.reverse_zone):
+            add_ptr_rr(self.reverse_zone, self.ip_address, self.fqdn)
+    def __setup_reverse_zone(self):
+        add_reverse_zone(self.reverse_zone, ns_hostname=api.env.host,
+                ns_ip_address=self.ip_address, dns_backup=self.dns_backup)
+    def __setup_principal(self):
+        dns_principal = "DNS/" + self.fqdn + "@" + self.realm
+        installutils.kadmin_addprinc(dns_principal)
+        # Store the keytab on disk
+        self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/named.keytab")
+        installutils.create_keytab("/etc/named.keytab", dns_principal)
+        p = self.move_service(dns_principal)
+        if p is None:
+            # the service has already been moved, perhaps we're doing a DNS reinstall
+            dns_principal = "krbprincipalname=%s,cn=services,cn=accounts,%s" % (dns_principal, self.suffix)
+        else:
+            dns_principal = p
+        # Make sure access is strictly reserved to the named user
+        pent = pwd.getpwnam(self.named_user)
+        os.chown("/etc/named.keytab", pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid)
+        os.chmod("/etc/named.keytab", 0400)
+        # modify the principal so that it is marked as an ipa service so that
+        # it can host the memberof attribute, then also add it to the
+        # dnsserver role group, this way the DNS is allowed to perform
+        # DNS Updates
+        dns_group = "cn=DNS Servers,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,%s" % self.suffix
+        if isinstance(dns_principal, unicode):
+            dns_principal = dns_principal.encode('utf-8')
+        mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', dns_principal)]
+        try:
+            self.admin_conn.modify_s(dns_group, mod)
+        except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
+            pass
+        except Exception, e:
+            logging.critical("Could not modify principal's %s entry" % dns_principal)
+            raise e
+    def __setup_named_conf(self):
+        self.fstore.backup_file('/etc/named.conf')
+        named_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "bind.named.conf.template", self.sub_dict)
+        named_fd = open('/etc/named.conf', 'w')
+        named_fd.seek(0)
+        named_fd.truncate(0)
+        named_fd.write(named_txt)
+        named_fd.close()
+    def __setup_resolv_conf(self):
+        self.fstore.backup_file('/etc/resolv.conf')
+        resolv_txt = "search "+self.domain+"\nnameserver "+self.ip_address+"\n"
+        resolv_fd = open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'w')
+        resolv_fd.seek(0)
+        resolv_fd.truncate(0)
+        resolv_fd.write(resolv_txt)
+        resolv_fd.close()
+    def add_master_dns_records(self, fqdn, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name,
+                               reverse_zone, ntp=False):
+        self.fqdn = fqdn
+        self.ip_address = ip_address
+        self.realm = realm_name
+        self.domain = domain_name
+        self.host = fqdn.split(".")[0]
+        self.suffix = util.realm_to_suffix(self.realm)
+        self.ntp = ntp
+        self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone
+        self.__add_self()
+    def remove_master_dns_records(self, fqdn, realm_name, domain_name):
+        host = fqdn.split(".")[0]
+        suffix = util.realm_to_suffix(realm_name)
+        zone = domain_name
+        resource_records = (
+            ("_ldap._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 389 %s" % host),
+            ("_kerberos._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % host),
+            ("_kerberos._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % host),
+            ("_kerberos-master._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % host),
+            ("_kerberos-master._udp", "SRV", "0 100 88 %s" % host),
+            ("_kpasswd._tcp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % host),
+            ("_kpasswd._udp", "SRV", "0 100 464 %s" % host),
+            ("_ntp._udp", "SRV", "0 100 123 %s" % host),
+            ("@", "NS", fqdn+"."),
+        )
+        for (record, type, rdata) in resource_records:
+            del_rr(zone, record, type, rdata)
+        areclist = [("A", x) for x in get_rr(zone, host, "A")] + [("AAAA", x) for x in get_rr(zone, host, "AAAA")]
+        for (type, rdata) in areclist:
+            del_rr(zone, host, type, rdata)
+            rzone = find_reverse_zone(rdata)
+            if rzone is not None:
+                record = get_reverse_record_name(rzone, rdata)
+                del_rr(rzone, record, "PTR", fqdn+".")
+                # remove also master NS record from the reverse zone
+                del_rr(rzone, "@", "NS", fqdn+".")
+    def uninstall(self):
+        if self.is_configured():
+            self.print_msg("Unconfiguring %s" % self.service_name)
+        running = self.restore_state("running")
+        enabled = self.restore_state("enabled")
+        self.dns_backup.clear_records(api.Backend.ldap2.isconnected())
+        if not running is None:
+            self.stop()
+        for f in ["/etc/named.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf"]:
+            try:
+                self.fstore.restore_file(f)
+            except ValueError, error:
+                logging.debug(error)
+                pass
+        if not enabled is None and not enabled:
+            self.disable()
+        if not running is None and running:
+            self.start()
diff --git a/ipapython/platform/debian/instances/utils.py b/ipapython/platform/debian/instances/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4055e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipapython/platform/debian/instances/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import ipautil
+from hashutil import md5
+def bind_check_installation(unattended):
+    # files in /etc/ are not being deleted on package removal, so we can't
+    # rely on them to check if BIND is installed. Also, because Debian has
+    # switched to the multiarch filesystem layout there is no easy way
+    # to look for the ldap.so BIND plugin. But we can query dpkg database
+    # to see if both packages are installed, it actually feels like a cleaner
+    # solution.
+    dpkg_query = ['/usr/bin/dpkg-query', '-W', '-f', '${Package}']
+    try:
+        ipautil.run(dpkg_query + ['bind'], raiseonerr=True):
+    except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
+        print "BIND was not found on this system"
+        print "Please install the 'bind9' package and start the installation again"
+        has_bind = False
+    try:
+        ipautil.run(dpkg_query + ['bind-dyndb-ldap'], raiseonerr=True)
+    except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
+        print "The BIND LDAP plug-in was not found on this system"
+        print "Please install the 'bind-dyndb-ldap' package and start the installation again"
+        has_bind = False
+    if not has_bind:
+        return False
+    dpkg_query = ['/usr/bin/dpkg-query', '-W', '-f', '${Conffiles}']
+    stdout, stderr, ret = ipautil.run(dpkg_query)
+    # convert dpkg-query output into a mapping fname->md5sum
+    conf_files = dict([p.strip().split(' ') for p in stdout.split('\n')])
+    # IPA installation modified named.local so lets check it for local changes
+    fname = '/etc/bind/named.local'
+    hash = md5.new(open(fname, 'rb').read()).digest()
+    if conf_files[fname] != hash:
+        msg = "Existing BIND configuration detected, overwrite?"
+        return ipautil.user_input(msg, False)
+    return True
diff --git a/ipapython/platform/fedora16/__init__.py b/ipapython/platform/fedora16/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/__init__.py b/ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/utils.py b/ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b77b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipapython/platform/fedora16/instances/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import os
+import ipautil
+def bind_check_installation(unattended):
+    has_bind = True
+    # So far this file is always present in both RHEL5 and Fedora if all the necessary
+    # bind packages are installed (RHEL5 requires also the pkg: caching-nameserver)
+    if not os.path.exists('/etc/named.rfc1912.zones'):
+        print "BIND was not found on this system"
+        print "Please install the 'bind' package and start the installation again"
+        has_bind = False
+    # Also check for the LDAP BIND plug-in
+    if not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/bind/ldap.so') and \
+       not os.path.exists('/usr/lib64/bind/ldap.so'):
+        print "The BIND LDAP plug-in was not found on this system"
+        print "Please install the 'bind-dyndb-ldap' package and start the installation again"
+        has_bind = False
+    if not has_bind:
+        return False
+    if not unattended and os.path.exists('/etc/named.conf'):
+        msg = "Existing BIND configuration detected, overwrite?"
+        return ipautil.user_input(msg, False)
+    return True
diff --git a/ipapython/platform/utils.py b/ipapython/platform/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce76da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipapython/platform/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"""small utils used by other instances that require platform-dependent
+from .SUPPORTED_PLATFORM.utils import *
+def bind_check_installation(unattended):
+    """checks if the bind server has been properly installed."""
+    raise NotImplementedError("this function has to be implemented"
+                              "in the platform module")
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py b/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ddf5497..0000000
--- a/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-# Authors: Simo Sorce <ssorce at redhat.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2007  Red Hat
-# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import tempfile
-import os
-import pwd
-import logging
-import netaddr
-import installutils
-import ldap
-import service
-from ipaserver import ipaldap
-from ipaserver.install.dsinstance import realm_to_serverid
-from ipaserver.install.installutils import resolve_host
-from ipapython import sysrestore
-from ipapython import ipautil
-from ipalib.constants import DNS_ZONE_REFRESH
-import ipalib
-from ipalib import api, util, errors
-def check_inst(unattended):
-    has_bind = True
-    # So far this file is always present in both RHEL5 and Fedora if all the necessary
-    # bind packages are installed (RHEL5 requires also the pkg: caching-nameserver)
-    if not os.path.exists('/etc/named.rfc1912.zones'):
-        print "BIND was not found on this system"
-        print "Please install the 'bind' package and start the installation again"
-        has_bind = False
-    # Also check for the LDAP BIND plug-in
-    if not os.path.exists('/usr/lib/bind/ldap.so') and \
-       not os.path.exists('/usr/lib64/bind/ldap.so'):
-        print "The BIND LDAP plug-in was not found on this system"
-        print "Please install the 'bind-dyndb-ldap' package and start the installation again"
-        has_bind = False
-    if not has_bind:
-        return False
-    if not unattended and os.path.exists('/etc/named.conf'):
-        msg = "Existing BIND configuration detected, overwrite?"
-        return ipautil.user_input(msg, False)
-    return True
-def normalize_zone(zone):
-    if zone[-1] != '.':
-        return zone + '.'
-    else:
-        return zone
-def create_reverse():
-    return ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure the reverse zone?", True)
-def named_conf_exists():
-    named_fd = open('/etc/named.conf', 'r')
-    lines = named_fd.readlines()
-    named_fd.close()
-    for line in lines:
-        if line.startswith('dynamic-db "ipa"'):
-            return True
-    return False
-def dns_container_exists(fqdn, suffix, dm_password=None, ldapi=False, realm=None):
-    """
-    Test whether the dns container exists.
-    """
-    def object_exists(dn):
-        """
-        Test whether the given object exists in LDAP.
-        """
-        try:
-            conn.search_ext_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
-        except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
-            return False
-        else:
-            return True
-    try:
-        # At install time we may need to use LDAPI to avoid chicken/egg
-        # issues with SSL certs and truting CAs
-        if ldapi:
-            conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, ldapi=True, realm=realm)
-        else:
-            conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(host=fqdn, port=636, cacert=service.CACERT)
-        if dm_password:
-            conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dm_password)
-        else:
-            conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind()
-    except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
-        raise RuntimeError('LDAP server on %s is not responding. Is IPA installed?' % fqdn)
-    ret = object_exists("cn=dns,%s" % suffix)
-    conn.unbind_s()
-    return ret
-def dns_zone_exists(name):
-    try:
-        zone = api.Command.dnszone_show(unicode(name))
-    except ipalib.errors.NotFound:
-        return False
-    if len(zone) == 0:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address):
-    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
-    rev = '.' + normalize_zone(zone)
-    fullrev = '.' + normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
-    if not fullrev.endswith(rev):
-        raise ValueError("IP address does not match reverse zone")
-    return fullrev[1:-len(rev)]
-def verify_reverse_zone(zone, ip_address):
-    try:
-        get_reverse_record_name(zone, ip_address)
-    except ValueError:
-        print "Invalid reverse zone %s" % zone
-        return False
-    return True
-def get_reverse_zone_default(ip_address):
-    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
-    items = ip.reverse_dns.split('.')
-    if ip.version == 4:
-        items = items[1:]   # /24 for IPv4
-    elif ip.version == 6:
-        items = items[16:]  # /64 for IPv6
-    return normalize_zone('.'.join(items))
-def find_reverse_zone(ip_address):
-    ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
-    zone = normalize_zone(ip.reverse_dns)
-    while len(zone) > 0:
-        if dns_zone_exists(zone):
-            return zone
-        foo, bar, zone = zone.partition('.')
-    return None
-def get_reverse_zone(ip_address):
-    return find_reverse_zone(ip_address) or get_reverse_zone_default(ip_address)
-def read_reverse_zone(default, ip_address):
-    while True:
-        zone = ipautil.user_input("Please specify the reverse zone name", default=default)
-        if not zone:
-            return None
-        if verify_reverse_zone(zone, ip_address):
-            break
-    return normalize_zone(zone)
-def add_zone(name, zonemgr=None, dns_backup=None, ns_hostname=None, ns_ip_address=None,
-       update_policy=None):
-    if update_policy is None:
-        update_policy = "grant %(realm)s krb5-self * A; grant %(realm)s krb5-self * AAAA;" % dict(realm=api.env.realm)
-    if ns_hostname is None:
-        # automatically retrieve list of DNS masters
-        dns_masters = api.Object.dnsrecord.get_dns_masters()
-        if not dns_masters:
-            raise errors.NotFound("No IPA server with DNS support found!")
-        ns_main = dns_masters.pop(0)
-        ns_replicas = dns_masters
-        ns_ip_address = resolve_host(ns_main)
-    else:
-        ns_main = ns_hostname
-        ns_replicas = []
-    try:
-        api.Command.dnszone_add(unicode(name),
-                                idnssoamname=unicode(ns_main+'.'),
-                                idnssoarname=unicode(zonemgr),
-                                ip_address=unicode(ns_ip_address),
-                                idnsallowdynupdate=True,
-                                idnsupdatepolicy=unicode(update_policy))
-    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
-        pass
-    nameservers = ns_replicas + [ns_main]
-    for hostname in nameservers:
-        add_ns_rr(name, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True)
-def add_reverse_zone(zone, ns_hostname=None, ns_ip_address=None,
-        ns_replicas=[], update_policy=None, dns_backup=None):
-    zone = normalize_zone(zone)
-    if update_policy is None:
-        update_policy = "grant %s krb5-subdomain %s PTR;" % (api.env.realm, zone)
-    if ns_hostname is None:
-        # automatically retrieve list of DNS masters
-        dns_masters = api.Object.dnsrecord.get_dns_masters()
-        if not dns_masters:
-            raise errors.NotFound("No IPA server with DNS support found!")
-        ns_main = dns_masters.pop(0)
-        ns_replicas = dns_masters
-        ns_ip_address = resolve_host(ns_main)
-    else:
-        ns_main = ns_hostname
-        ns_replicas = []
-    try:
-        api.Command.dnszone_add(unicode(zone),
-                                idnssoamname=unicode(ns_main+'.'),
-                                idnsallowdynupdate=True,
-                                ip_address=unicode(ns_ip_address),
-                                idnsupdatepolicy=unicode(update_policy))
-    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
-        pass
-    nameservers = ns_replicas + [ns_main]
-    for hostname in nameservers:
-        add_ns_rr(zone, hostname, dns_backup=None, force=True)
-def add_rr(zone, name, type, rdata, dns_backup=None, **kwargs):
-    addkw = { '%srecord' % str(type.lower()) : unicode(rdata) }
-    addkw.update(kwargs)
-    try:
-        api.Command.dnsrecord_add(unicode(zone), unicode(name), **addkw)
-    except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.EmptyModlist):
-        pass
-    if dns_backup:
-        dns_backup.add(zone, type, name, rdata)

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