Importing game

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at
Tue Apr 4 14:22:34 UTC 2006

On 4/4/06, artefact <artefact at> wrote:
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>I have an Alioth account. I want to import the package sources for the
> >>>game Wormux at svn+ssh://
> >>>How this can be done ? Or have I to record my project as an Alioth's.
> >>>Until now, the source package is managed on the same repository as the
> >>>project Wormux itself.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Cool. Miry, could you do the honours? :)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I hope to have my home connection fixed this afternoon (it's the 6th time
> >technicians come home) and I cannot connect to SVN from work (filtered ports).
> >
> >
> >I'm adding artefact-guest to the group. Welcome!! :)
> >If that is not the login name please tell me :)
> >
> >Greetings,
> >Miry
> >
> >
> I added my key to my alioth account. When I try to import the package
> source of wormux, I am asked for a password, it is not normal, isn't it
> ? I waited for one hour and a half. It is just a question of time or I
> have not done the right things (tm) ?

AFAIR, the key propagation is done daily at around 6:30 (not sure if
is PM or AM and if is UTC). Alioth consists, in fact, iirc, of two
machines, so time is needed for them to sync.

Also, if you use a ssh-agent and ssh-add you will have to asked
locally for the passphrase.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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