Big SVN logs

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at
Wed Apr 5 20:53:57 UTC 2006

On 4/5/06, Miriam Ruiz <little_miry at> wrote:
>  --- Eddy Petriºor <eddy.petrisor at> escribió:
> > I think we can modify the hook script so that it will not send the
> > whole patch, but only a summary if the contents is bigger than a
> > certain size.
> >
> > I will look into it tonight.
> Thanks :)


I made the following changes:
- if the diff is longer than 5000 characters is repaced by a warning
that it was too big
- if the list of affected directories is longer than 50 (probably
should be a little bit bigger, 300?) the subject will have the
directory list in the subject replaced by a string : "!!!lots of

Please sent any comments you might have.

P.S.: As a test I ran manually the script for the 434 revision (the
troublesome one)

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