Bug#369670: miscellaneous notes

Jon Dowland bugs at alcopop.org
Thu Dec 21 11:14:34 CET 2006

[ Hi - this mail is mostly just to pull together some notes and stuff on
this issue for my own sake, so if it makes little sense, sorry -- I did
send a mail to this bug already with some further diagnostics but it
doesn't seem to have made it. ]

Patch from entryway that should fix  this: <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=30763173&forum_id=2378>
workaround for existing versions posted to <http://bugs.debian.org/399485>

independent reports of this problem
	prboom-plus tracker
	sf.net/prboom bugs: #1577495, #1586800

	debian bts, libsdl-mixer1.2: <http://bugs.debian.org/399485>

Jon Dowland

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