games unsuitable for children

Ben Armstrong synrg at
Sat Dec 23 02:33:01 CET 2006

On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:57:31 +0100
Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at> wrote:
> i'd prefer to inform users (parents) in the package description,
> because i think this is the first (and maybe only information) a perent
> reads about a game, that the children would like to have installed.

Debtags should be just as prominent.  If they aren't, it's a bug in our package management systems.

> hm, i don't like the idea to trust in industry measurement.

Please note: the industry by and large does *not* rely on self-rating, and what's on the table is to look at the industry's self-rating systems.  I think this is a very good idea, and I've already suggested TIGRS which is just this sort of system.

> i'd prefer
> independent suggestions, where common sense plays the main role. also i
> i'd suggest to not give absolute advice, like "for children from 12 and
> older", but like "game concentrates on shooting enemies the most violent
> way" or "game concentrates on realistic graphics, but shooting other
> people is included". i'd suggest to inform parents this way, because
> there are games that show blood but - in my opinion - can be considered
> as not that critical like others which intend to show off violence.

I believe TIGRS rating categories meet these criteria.  There's no reason we should seek to place the trademarked TIGRS rating box on Debian games, but the categories could form a template for debtags:

    * Sex
          o Sexual Theme (MILD) - Suggestive theme(s) of a sexual nature
          o Brief Nudity (MILD) - Brief and/or moderate graphical depiction(s) of nudity
          o Nudity (STRONG) - Prolonged graphical depiction(s) of nudity
          o Strong Sexual Content (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of sexual activity which may include nudity 
    * Violence
          o Animated Violence (MILD) - Depection(s) of non-realistic characters committing acts of violence that do not result in bloodshed or death
          o Animated Bloodshed (MILD) - Depcition(s) of non-realistic characters commiting acts of violence that result in bloodshed but not death
          o Realistic Violence (MILD) - Depiction(s) of realistic characters committing acts of violence that do not result in bloodshed or death
          o Realistic Bloodshed (STRONG) - Depcition(s) of realistic characters commiting acts of violence that result in bloodshed but not death
          o Intense Violence (STRONG) - Depcition(s) of realistic or non-realistic characters commiting acts of violence that result in death and possibly bloodshed
          o Blood and Gore (STRONG) - Depiction(s) of blood and mutilated body parts or the mutilation of body parts
          o Sexual Violence (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of violence of a sexual nature 
    * Language
          o Crude Humor (MILD) - Dialog(s) and/or depiction(s) of vulgar jokes
          o Crude Language (MILD) - Infrequent use of profanity
          o Mature Humor (STRONG) - Dialog(s) and/or depiction(s) of obscene jokes
          o Obscene Language (STRONG) - Frequent use of profanity 
    * Themes
          o Alcohol Reference (MILD) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of alcoholic beverages
          o Tobacco Reference (MILD) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of tobacco products
          o Drug Reference (MILD) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of illicit drugs
          o Racism Theme (MILD) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of racism
          o Gambling (MILD) - Real or simulated gambling
          o Intense Horror (STRONG) - Depiction(s) of extreme horror
          o Alcohol Use (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of the consumption of alcoholic beverages
          o Tobacco Use (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of the consumption of tobacco products
          o Drug Use (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of the consumption of illicit drugs
          o Genocidal Theme (STRONG) - Reference(s) to and/or depiction(s) of genocide 

 ,-.  nSLUG   synrg at
 \`'  Debian    synrg at
  `          [ gpg 395C F3A4 35D3 D247 1387 2D9E 5A94 F3CA 0B27 13C8 ]
             [ pgp 7F DA 09 4B BA 2C 0D E0 1B B1 31 ED C6 A9 39 4F ]

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