Glest RTS for Debian

Ryan Schultz schultz.ryan at
Thu Feb 2 18:34:44 UTC 2006

On Thursday 02 February 2006 08:44, Bas Wijnen wrote:
> Ok, I've been away from my e-mail for too long, I'd have wanted to send
> this before upstream was contacted. :-(

They haven't responded, so I guess we have some time yet in any case :- /

> I'd prefer a different solution than two tar-balls.  How about putting the
> upstream tarball in a tarball itself, call that orig.tar.gz (yes, that's
> repackaging, but doesn't need any maintainance) and do unpacking,
> dos2unixing, autogenning and the usual stuff from debian/rules?  Other
> packages do that as well, for example gcc.
> It would not result in a huge diff, would not need maintainance of a second
> release tarball, and would be as readable as any other package.
> What do you think about it?

I don't really like to do this myself; I'd rather do finicky work like 
autotooling in a controlled environment and not on the buildd, but that's 
probably because I'm paranoid about the whole autotools mess :- ) Doing it 
this way requires more buildtime dependencies, as well.

In this case, though, this may be the best way to go, especially since 
upstream doesn't seem to be excited about hearing from me just yet, and I try 
not to do major repackaging without a blessing from (active) upstream.

Other thoughts?

Ryan Schultz
"Rise above oneself and grasp the world." -- Archimedes
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