Handling security issues?

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm at inutil.org
Wed Feb 8 22:04:30 UTC 2006

Steve Kemp wrote:
>   One of the things that initially made me interested in joining in
>  with the group maintainership of games was the initial message
>  posted to debian-devel.
>   This had a small section suggesting that the games-team would be
>  well placed to handle security issues.
>   Lets practise now ;)

If anyone wants to practice more here's a list of all open security problems
of games in sid, all easily NMUable:

bzflag     - DoS attack against server, #345245, no maintainer reaction since
netpanzer  - DoS attack against server, #318329, no maintainer reaction since
scorched3d - Arbitrary code execution through format string attacks and
             buffer overflows, plus DoS, all in the server, no maintainer
             reaction since 2005-11-04

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