[gmail] Re: New SVN game: Quake III

Marc Leeman marc.leeman at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 13:25:49 UTC 2006

> i checked out the current svn version to make sure i have no special
> local file permissions and built the binary package in 2 different
> chroot environments and on another machine. the file permissions were
> always set correctly these three times. i always used dpkg-buildpackage
> and fakeroot to build the packages. i've no idea what causes the wrong
> permissions in your environment...

Indeed, it is solely on my side. Though I don't know why, building it in
a chroot with pbuilder was fine.

I upgraded the package again to use quilt for patching a number of files
instead of changing the files directly. Now; you only need the debian
dir to 'debianise' a Quake III snapshot.

Testing was done against the svn544; I will make the packages available
on my machine today.

  greetz, marc
Ladies, some decorum please. This is a peace memorial, let's not kill
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	Rygel - Different Destinations
scorpius.homelinux.org 2.6.15 #1 PREEMPT Thu Jan 5 22:01:16 CET 2006 GNU/Linux
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