[Openal-devel] OpenAL & freealut Library Versioning

Prakash Punnoor prakash at punnoor.de
Sat Feb 18 11:30:58 UTC 2006

Am Samstag Februar 18 2006 12:01 schrieb Thierry Reding:
> One remaining problem is related to library versioning.  Neither version
> 0.0.8 nor CVS HEAD do specify version information when building with
> libtool.  This is a big problem when packaging a library because

Hmm, interesting. This used to be working, but got broken somewhere. So thanks 
for pointing it out. I am not sure whether your patch is the only way to 
reach the goal, nor whether it's the right way, but at least I think you 
shouldn't hardcode the version number like in your patch.


AC_INIT([OpenAL library], [0.0.8], [openal-devel at opensource.creative.com], 

already contains the version, so you should define it at one place and it 
should be used everywhere, so we only need to update it at one place, as 

(°=                 =°)
//\ Prakash Punnoor /\\
V_/                 \_V

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