What to use in packaging
Reinhard Tartler
siretart at tauware.de
Fri Jan 20 10:09:00 UTC 2006
Am Freitag, den 20.01.2006, 02:08 +0100 schrieb Alexander Schmehl:
> * Miriam Ruiz <little_miry at yahoo.es> [060120 01:03]:
> > * 1 (default) means package/{trunk,tags,branches,...} scheme.
> > * 2 means the {trunk,tags,branches,...}/package scheme. 2 is not implemented
> > yet.
> Uhm... if I understood svn correctly and considering, that most of our
> packages will be (nearly) indepent from each other, 1 seems more
> reasonable to me.
Yes, this sounds reasonable to me, since I assume no one will ever want
to checkout ALL games from alioth.
Lets call DUNNO 'packages' and use layout type 1 for the sake of
simplicity. If we get to the situation that we want to separate
non-free/contrib games out, we can introduce a
'packages-{non-free,contrib} hierarchy as well.
> > Another point is what to upload to SVN. It seems logical to use -o option and
> > put only files that are actually touched in the .diff file under the version
> > control. Then we should put .orig.tar.gz files somewhere else.
I'm not sure if this is desirable for ALL games, but it is definitely
for boson, since it is too big.
> Let's just put it at the projects webspace at alioth in case they get
> removed by upstream? For example http://pkg-games.alioth.debian.org/tarballs/.
This sounds like a very good idea. How to upload a tarball to that dir?
> At least we should add a rule to debian/rules which get's the source and
> creates a proper .orig.tgz (which we could/should of course to anyway,
> if we put them to the webspace).
You mean the optional 'get-orig-source' target [1]? Sounds like a good
idea, too.
[1] Debian Policy Manual, Chapter 4.8
Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
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