boson-music_0.11-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at
Tue Mar 7 09:42:39 UTC 2006

Alexander Schmehl wrote:

>* Debian Installer <installer at> [060307 05:02]:
>>Rejected: md5sum and/or size mismatch on existing copy of boson-music_0.11.orig.tar.gz.
>>Rejected: can not overwrite existing copy of 'boson-music_0.11.orig.tar.gz' already in the archive.
>Lessons learned:
>1) Shouldn't have done this during night without caffeine
>2) getting a clean orig.tar.gz is fine, but doesn't work if someone else
>   allready uploaded the same names orig.tar.gz witth different origin
>3) boson is a big package, and I need to re-upload-all that stuff :(
Well, it's my fault. My script didn't get the got tarball.

I'll fixe this ASAP. Sorry for the wast of time...


    Gonéri Le Bouder

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