my orphanage list

Gonéri Le Bouder goneri at
Sun Mar 19 00:45:30 UTC 2006

Le Samedi 18 Mars 2006 17:04, Miriam Ruiz a écrit :
> Hi!
> Thanks for your report on the packages. I'm not at home this weekend, so I
> won't be able to download and look at those packages until tuesday, but I
> think we should take care of those we consider are worth it :) and
> probably, as you suggest, drop those which are being maintained for inercy.
> Do the rest of the group have similar ideas?

> > moagg/moagg-data/moaggedit - that was academic project and seems it won't
> > be further developed, so it's candidate to drop.
Some bugs exist in the BTS. I think we can close them quickly.

> > netpanzer/netpanzer-data - without project leader right now, have
> > security issues I didn't resolve, I doubt it'll be developed further,
> > candidate to drop.
Well, Netpanzer is a good game and is stable. The issue #318329 seem to be 
fixed in SVN (according to )

The developpment is not totaly stopped:

I think we can try to upload a new package based on a svn snapshot.

> > scorched3d - awesome game with huge community, upstream alive and usually
> > very helpful, this is "must have" in Debian ;)
i impoted scorched3d is in our svn and did some minor changes. A new release 
is ready to be uploaded.

> > starfighter - dead upstream, very buggy, candidate to drop
I vote to keep.

Maybe we can add a "Warning popup" during the installation of the game to warn 
the user that the game is know as unstable and that bug against upstream 
problem will be ignore. A message like this could be nice for some other 
packages like fwp or boson (a bit buggy and still in developpment).



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