Bug#398066: nexuiz: Segfaults on amd64

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at gmx.de
Sat Nov 11 19:19:08 CET 2006

This one time, at band camp, Knut Auvor Grythe wrote:
> Package: nexuiz
> Version: 2.0-3
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> At the end of loading a level in nexuiz, the game segfaults. The
> segfault does not occur when running the game in a 32-bit chroot on the
> same machine. I believe this suggests that nexuiz is not 64-bit clean.
> I am using the Ati proprietary drivers with an Elsa Radeon 9600 graphics
> board. The problem has persisted through several revisions of the
> driver, and I am able to play other games. I therefore do not believe
> the problem is caused by the 64-bit userspace part of the Ati driver.

hi knut,

i cannot reproduce the error on my athlon 64 machine. (also i've got
only nvidia cards around) and i don't know about existing bugs on amd64
concerning nexuiz.

maybe it's again the same issue concerning screenshots, which i
considered to be fixed by the latest debian package. can you please
check, if you were playing on a server that forced your client to take
a screenshot after each map? again, i considered the screenshot
problems to be fixed on amd64, but perhaps it isn't...

another thing you could try is downloading the latest nexuiz release
from the upstream website [1] and try the prebuild binaries. (the
debian packages of nexuiz 2.1 are waiting to be uplaoded atm)

if nexuiz 2.1 works for you (please run the -sdl binary), i'll set this
bug as pending, if it doesn't, it would be helpful if you could generate
a backtrace of the current debian binaries.


[1] http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/nexuiz/nexuiz-21.zip?download

Among elephants it's not considered cool nor in any good taste
to drain other elephants

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