ogre maintenance

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Nov 15 08:30:10 CET 2006

Hi all,

as a quick introduction, I'm already maintaining some packages[1], I'm
mostly interested in graphics, as you can guess by having a look at the
packages, and I posted an ITA on ogre at the same time Gonéri suggested
it to be adopted by the pkg-games team.

 1. http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=cyril.brulebois@enst-bretagne.fr

After a quick talk with Gonéri, I've been added to your group so that I
can commit in your SVN repository. Gonéri also suggested we add an
`ogre' module under packages/, which looks fine to me. Any further
comment or suggestion is welcome.

I've already updated the debian-specific patches, done some cleanup and
improvements, and I'm keeping on working on it right now.

I'm not (yet) subscribed to pkg-games, since I'm not really interested
in games primarily, so Cc: are welcome.


Cyril Brulebois

``Personal'' info:
  on alioth: kibi-guest
  on IRC   : KiBi / OFTC, Freenode
  on Jabber: kibi at jabber.fr
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