pre-announce: GNUstep library transition in Debian

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at
Mon Sep 4 15:32:34 UTC 2006

Hello all,

This mail addresses to the Debian Games Team and to Hubert.

In the next month (or less, with a little bit of luck) I shall be
offline, thus I ask you to take care of the oolite package which is
affected by the transition in the subject.

I have made the necessary changes in the trunk version of the package
that need to be made. At some point there shall be a go signal for
packages to be built against the new version. That would mean that is
necessary to tag, release and upload the current trunk of Oolite.

Hubert, please make your announcement to the address in the Maintainer
field of the package. The list is there for a reason ;-) (I am aware
you might have missed adding the list, this spanned type of work like
transitions can be unrewarding and boring).

On 20/08/06, Eddy Petrişor <eddy.petrisor at> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Hubert Chan <hubert at>
> Date: 20-Aug-2006 10:09
> Subject: pre-announce: GNUstep library transition in Debian
> To: pkg-gnustep-maintainers at,
> Vincent.Danjean at, eddy.petrisor at
> Cc: debian-release at, myon at
> Hi everyone,
> There will be a new GNUstep library release coming up, which will break
> binary compatibility with the GNUstep libraries currently in Debian.
> (The versions currently in Debian are one release old, and the current
> GNUstep release already breaks binary compatibility with what is
> currently in Debian.)  Since the new release adds many new features, we
> would like to get it into etch if possible.  Since the general freeze
> for etch is only a couple of months away, that means that if we want to
> make it happen, we'll have to make a very, very smooth library
> transition.
> So here's what needs to happen:
> If you maintain a package that uses the GNUstep libraries, you will need
> to change your build-depends.  Instead of build-depending on
> libgnustep-gui0.10-dev, you should build-depend on libgnustep-gui-dev,
> and instead of libgnustep-base1.11-dev, you should build-depend on
> libgnustep-base-dev.  These will be the names of the new -dev packages

done for Oolite in SVN (see for more info)

> GNUstep upstream has promised me a new release of GNUstep gui by next
> week, and so it should be uploaded by the end of the month.  (It better
> be uploaded by then, because I'll be away from reliable Internet for the
> beginning of next month.)  I'll send out another announcement once it's
> been uploaded (or, at least, once I send the packages to myon to get
> uploaded).
> Once it is uploaded, and built on all architectures, you will need to
> reupload your packages so that it will be rebuilt with the new
> libraries.  If you also build-depend on a library that needs to be

This is still to happen, AFAIK (Hubert, please contradict me, if not).

> fingers crossed.  In addition, I'll be aggressively NMUing packages that
> need to be reuploaded.  That means that if it has been at least 7 days
> since your package could have been uploaded, and it hasn't been uploaded
> yet, I will send you a warning, and then I may NMU it shortly thereafter
> (since it will be an RC bug).

Please contact the Debian Games Team or take the debian part of the
package from our SVN (see more info on the Oolite wiki page[1]).

> Finally, here is a list of packages that will need to be rebuilt for the
> upcoming transition:
> Debian Games Team/Eddy Petrișor:
>   oolite

Note: the wiki page of the package[1] was updated and contains
relevant and current info for the package.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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