openmortal_0.7.dfsg-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Alexander Schmehl tolimar at
Sun Sep 10 14:22:38 UTC 2006

* Alexander Schmehl <tolimar at> [060910 14:01]:

> > sge_bm_text.cpp:*       License: LGPL v2+ (see the file LICENSE)
> [..]
> Oh, good point; I should add that to my monster grep :)

Okay, a fast (and maybe not quite acurate) license check would be:
egrep -Hi 'copyright|LGPL' $(grep -wriL 'GPL' *)

The inner grep will create a list of files, which don't contain the word
"GPL"; the outer grep will then take this list of files, and list all of
them, which contain either the word "copyright" or the word "LGPL".

Note:  This isn't a perfect check!  It is just high lickely that you at
least need to mention those files in debian/copyright; it doesn't
guarantee, that all other files are okay.

Yours sincerely,
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