glest package - an analysis

Eddy Petrişor eddy.petrisor at
Sat Sep 16 00:28:43 UTC 2006

[this mesage is public]


First I want to applogise for not replying at all, I have been realy
busy lately.

On 13/08/06, Giuseppe Borzi <gborzi1 at> wrote:
> Hello Eddy,
> it's OK for me to cooperate on this package. About the editor, the
> problem is that its sources are not included in the
> file that can be downloaded from sourceforge. The
> editor sources are available from CVS on sourceforge, and are not
> included by the upstream author in the file
> because they don't compile under GNU/Linux.

I see. Any idea how hard would it be to port the editor to GNU/Linux?

> Moreover, the editor
> requires the wxwidgets library (which is not required by glest) so that
> the editor target checks for these library. In other words, without
> removing the editor target, the build process will end with an error and
> the Build-Depends field needs to list a (devel) library that will not be
> listed in the Depends.

if the editor doesn't compile, is obvious it doesn't make sense to try
to ad its build deps :-) .

> Some times ago, I downloaded the editor sources and hacked them to
> compile under Ubuntu 5.10, I sent the patch to the upstream author but
> up to now there are no news from upstream. The patch is available here

So it compiles with this patch? We could make a separate source
package and keep the patch as a package patch, or already integrated
into the diff.gz.

Now, about the game and the bloody clean rule.

You might have seen the commits I made in the pkg-games repository.

I kind of managed to make the clean rule work (ugly hack), but the
package fails to compile. Some targets fail to compile, and, iirc,
this was happening before my changes.

I advise you to make an account an alioth and request on the
debian-devel-games at to be added to the project. I or
Miriam will add you.

You will have the proper commits right after that, and can work on the
package in our svn.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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