Bug#455387: warsow: You're english is broken in /usr/games/warsow

Evgeni Golov sargentd at die-welt.net
Sun Dec 9 23:37:50 UTC 2007

Package: warsow
Version: 0.32.dfsg-1
Severity: wishlist

Sorry for the subject, just joking :)
/usr/games/warsow is a wrapper, which has two nice mistakes in it:

if glxinfo | grep "direct rendering: No"; then
  xmessage -center "You're OpenGL installation doesn't support direct
rendering. If you have an NVIDIA or an ATI card you'll probably need to
install the propritary driver."
  exit 0

You're is short-form for You are, here it should be "Your".

if [ "`glxinfo -l|grep GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE| sed 's/.*= //'`" -lt
"$WARSOW_MIN_TEXTURE_SIZE" ]; then xmessage -center "You're graphic
card doesn't doesn't have enough memory to launch Warsow."
  exit 0

Again, it should be "Your", and one "doesn't" should be enought here :)

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